A fifth of parents believe the lockdown restrictions have been beneficial for their kids due to the extra ‘family time’ it has given them.
A study of 1,000 mums and dads with children living at home found more than a third are now re-thinking their entire routines after enjoying having more quality time together during the lockdown.
As a result, 78 per cent have pledged to retain some aspect of their current regime even when restrictions are lifted.
The research, commissioned by McCain as part of its Nation’s Conversations campaign, found 48 per cent have seen the amount of exercise they do as a family change – increasing to an average of four times a week compared to three previously.
Meanwhile, the time saved by not commuting or rushing around to after-school clubs has meant more space in the schedule for family meals.
This has meant the new typical routine also includes eight meals together a week, compared to seven previously.
Mum-of-three Myleene Klass has teamed up with McCain to encourage parents to join the McCain Family Pledge.
The singer and presenter stars in a short film reciting a poem which brings to life heart-warming pledges which are being made by families across the UK, as they come out of the challenging period of lockdown.
Myleene said: “As our fantastic front-line workers have worked to keep us safe and the country running during lockdown, the experience has been quite different for those families at home.
“Whilst the whole experience has been a rollercoaster of emotions, I, like many other parents, will be trying to take something positive out of the experience.
“Working with McCain on My Family Pledge, I have been able to reflect on both my experience and those of other families across the UK, brought to life in the Nation’s Conversation research.
“It has definitely moved me to see what families across the nation have enjoyed about lockdown – the slower pace of life, and how quality family-time, especially at mealtimes, has become so important for many.
“And while there is no doubt that we have all struggled at various points over the weeks, I’ve embraced being at home more with the girls, Apollo, and Simon.
“We will be continuing to ensure we keep our precious time together as a family going, whether cooking together, sitting round the table or just walking the baby around the garden. As long as we’re together.”
The research also found 28 per cent of parents believe their new routine has bought their family closer together.
As a result, 48 per cent want to spend more quality time together in the future, while 16 per cent hope to continue to enjoy joint hobbies with their child.
Two-thirds of mums and dads believe their child likes their new routine, while 27 per cent said their offspring has enjoyed baking and cooking as a family.
A fifth of parents appreciate the lack of after-school clubs and 42 per cent are not missing the daily commute.
A further 37 per cent would like to continue eating more meals together following lockdown, with almost one in four families pledging to cook a weekly roast dinner.
And 30 per cent have enjoyed having more meaningful conversations at mealtimes.
It also emerged three in five parents have learned new things about their child during lockdown, with a quarter of those getting an insight into the school subjects they find most difficult.
More than a quarter have learnt how confident their child is and 19 per cent have realised how much their youngster likes to sleep.
Almost half of parents also admitted their new routine has taught them how important it is to take time out, with 29 per cent admitting their previously busy schedule meant they missed out on important quality time.
A third have realised how vital it is to have meals together and 42 per cent of those polled, via OnePoll, have learnt how important it is to have conversations with their child.
Mark Hodge, marketing director at McCain said: “It’s uplifting to see through our latest Nation’s Conversations research how parents are reflecting on their time during lockdown.
“We’ve all had the opportunity to stop, think and enjoy the slower side of life, and hearing family pledges to eat more meals with their families, and use mealtimes to have important conversations with one another shows how important these moment have become in bringing us together in times like these.
“It has been fantastic to work with Myleene on the ‘My Family Pledge’ poem – she has wonderfully brought to life the sentiment of families across the UK as, along with Myleene, they commit to taking something positive from this incredibly challenging time into their new normal.”
Things parents pledge to stick to after lockdown:
1. More quality family time
2. More family walks
3. More family meals together
4. To spend less money
5. Less rushing around
6. More outdoor time with their children
7. More laughter with their family
8. More conversations with their children
9. Less driving
10. More free time for their children
11. Having a Sunday roast together as a family at the end of the week
12. Making more time for gardening
13. Cooking more nice meals at home
14. Working from home more
15. Less screen time
16. Spending more time with their partner
17. More movie nights together with their children
18. More family bike rides
19. More reading
20. More group cooking / baking with their children
21. Making more time for DIY
22. More games nights with their children
23. More hobbies enjoyed together with their children
24. Supporting the NHS more
25. To continue to talk to their neighbours
26. Listening to music together more
27. Spending more time with a family pet
28. To get involved in more community activities as a family
29. More photographs taken with their family
30. Fewer after-school clubs for their children
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