Taken at night, these stunning images feature Brick Lane market and the Royal Oak pub in Bethnal Green covered in positive words such as ‘freedom’, ‘relief’ and ‘hope.’
Locations close to Harrods and the Shard were also treated to the projection – with all the words spelt out in the style of Scrabble tiles.
The words were chosen following a poll of 2,000 adults to identify the UK’s favourite uplifting words, along with the words Brits most associate with lockdown easing.
The uplifting projection took place over the weekend to celebrate the lifting of restrictions ahead of National Scrabble Day which takes place on Tuesday April 13.
It emerged around a third of the UK have played the word-based game during lockdown – with around a fifth set to mark the national day itself by playing a game or two.
A spokesman for Scrabble said: “In Scrabble – as in life – the words we choose matter.
“They have the power to uplift, encourage and strengthen us.
“Words connect us all, and we wanted to make this historic day of lockdown easing and the return to some semblance of normality, by discovering the most meaningful words to people today.”
The nation’s most positive words also include ‘happy’, ‘delight’, and ‘smile’, along with ‘peace’, ‘hope’ and ‘friends.’
Words such as ‘summer’, ‘nature’ and ‘pets’ are also favourite positive words among those polled – as are ‘cuddle’, ‘heroes’ and ‘weekend’.
Perhaps unsurprisingly ‘pub’ and ‘vaccine’ also result in a warm feeling, while ‘thanks’ is poignant following the efforts of all the frontline workers.
The study also found 68 per cent of adults believe they’ve become appreciative of things they might have previously taken for granted prior to the pandemic.
As such, 71 per cent see the end of the lockdown as the perfect opportunity to do something positive moving forwards.
And much like the aim of the positive words projection, more than a third of adults have gone out of their way to spread positivity.
More than a quarter have posted inspirational messages on social media with the aim of cheering others up.
While 16 per cent have done voluntary work and 27 per cent have donated to food banks.
And it appears their efforts are much needed, the study carried out through OnePoll found 45 per cent have struggled to stay positive during the past 12 months.
This in-turn was partly what inspired the makers of the classic board game to put on a projection – to share messages of positivity and hope,
*A new-look Scrabble board goes on sale this spring with ‘more modern, fresh packaging for a new generation of players’.
1. Family
2. Healthy
3. Happy
4. Love
5. Sunny
6. Thanks
7. Smile
8. Holiday
9. Hope
10. Peace
11. Summer
12. Relax
13. Nature
14. Comfort
15. Friends
16. Joy
17. Cuddle
18. Pets
19. Spring
20. Heroes
21. Faith
22. Kind
23. Believe
24. Fresh
25. Cheer
26. Weekend
27. Delight
28. Content
29. Pub
30. Vaccine
1. Hope
2. Freedom
3. Relief
4. Family
5. Reunion
6. Normal
7. Family
8. Health
9. Restart
10. Holiday
11. Friends
12. Summer
13. Joy
14. Social
15. Pub
16. Better
17. Reset
18. Shops
19. Whole
20. New
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