Parents despairing over how to keep kids entertained aboard half-term flights have had their prayers answered – in the form of (air) craft sessions on planes.
Budget airline easyJet has announced the launch of ‘AirCraft’, a new arts and crafts initiative to encourage children to get creative on flights during their autumn holidays.
Nostalgic mums and dads will also know their kids are in good hands – as the campaign was created alongside Art Attack legend Neil Buchanan.
As part of his ‘Artist in Residency’ duties, the presenter recorded how-to video tutorials for kids, providing tips on how to draw and use their imagination to create travel-inspired artwork.
He is also hosting live art classes for families flying with easyJet in the ‘Gateway’ lounge at London Gatwick on October 24, which will be free to attend for customers of the airline travelling with children aged 12 and under.
The AirCraft initiative was launched following research from the air company, which found British children crave more opportunity to get creative in their free time.

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