Brits are planning to make up for lost time with loved ones by taking extended family with them on their next holiday.
A poll of 2,000 adults found hardly seeing their nearest and dearest during the past 12 months has left 68 per cent champing at the bit to do something special with them.
And 41 per cent see a bumper family holiday as the perfect way to do this – hoping to take as many as five loved ones away with them in addition to their immediate family.
Grandparents, aunties and uncles were deemed the most likely companions to bulk out the holiday party.
It also emerged 40 per cent of those polled believe their families have never needed a holiday more than they do now.
A spokesman for Jet2holidays, which commissioned the research, said: “Spending quality time with family is incredibly special and something many people haven’t been able to do this past year.
“Quality time with loved ones – somewhere away from the same four walls – is what people are looking forward to more than anything.
“There certainly won’t be a shortage of things to catch-up on and while this past year has been incredibly challenging, families are clearly looking forward to enjoying an extra special break together and creating some fantastic memories.”
The study also found 54 per cent of adults had a holiday booked last year which was cancelled.
As a result of missing out, six in 10 intend to spend more than they normally would on their next getaway – to ensure their long-awaited break doesn’t disappoint.
One in 10 will push the boat out by staying in a higher class of accommodation than they might normally.
The same number will make the most of their break by going away for a longer period of time.
And 12 per cent will go somewhere they’ve always dreamt of visiting for the first time – with Greece, and Portugal top of the list of destinations.
However, the study carried out through OnePoll found consumers won’t be spending their money blindly.
More than half (54 per cent) will be seeking out holidays which ensure they get great value for money during their belated break.
More than a third will be looking for a package holiday with ABTA and ATOL protection and 32 per cent will be checking the refund policy of their chosen travel operator very closely.
A spokesman for Jet2holidays said: “Understandably consumers want certain assurances before they commit to that next all-important holiday.
“As such, we have a responsibility to do everything we can to look after our customers, and that’s a responsibility we take very seriously.
“It is clear to see from the recent surge in bookings that customers want nothing more than to get away and many will be making their next holiday bigger and better.”
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