A survey of 1,000 adults in Scotland revealed 97 per cent are making an effort to be eco-friendly, by doing things like installing solar panels, using energy efficient light bulbs and carpooling.


Sustainably sourced tea and coffee is popular among Scots with 16 per cent making the switch, while just under four in 10 will walk or cycle instead of driving.


Line drying towels and clothes, buying loose fruit and veg, and unplugging items are also popular ways of tackling climate change.


One in 20 adults have even bought a water meter to better track how much they are using.


While nine in 10 say becoming more sustainable, and taking deliberate action to help fight climate change, has become very important to them.


The study was carried out by Centrica, which is inviting communities and entrepreneurs in Scotland to apply for a grant of up to £100,000 from its Energy for Tomorrow social impact fund, for initiatives that can deliver affordable, accessible and sustainable energy solutions to help tackle climate change.


Abi Robins, Director of Responsible Business at Centrica, said: “Whether it’s simply recycling more, or going all out and installing solar panels, smart meters and heat pumps, any change we make will have a positive impact on the climate.


“There are also some really innovative ideas that people have to tackle climate change in their communities and our fund is the perfect way to help make their ideas a reality.”


Researchers found moulding leftover bits of soap together, switching to a plant-based diet and turning off the tap while brushing teeth are also key actions to become more eco-friendly.


And a handful of respondents polled confessed to thinking outside the box – by making meals from leftovers, swapping clothes with friends and family and doing digital art instead of using pen and paper.


Two thirds of Scots believe they have become more sustainable over the last year, and 73 per cent take at least one green action a day.


And 69 per cent have installed some form of smart technology in their home in order to be more eco-friendly.


The most popular are energy efficient lightbulbs (73 per cent), a smart thermostat (32 per cent), smart lighting (26 per cent) and smart showerheads (15 per cent).


Just over half (56 per cent) of all of those surveyed by OnePoll think businesses should do more to tackle climate change.


And while 13 per cent would consider turning their green hack into a business for others to benefit, 75 per cent would like to see more funding for innovative ideas that tackle climate change.


More than half of respondents believe that local authorities should implement more sustainable initiatives.


Although, 53 per cent have already noticed more of these in their local area, like e-scooters or bikes, charging points for electric vehicles, more bike lanes and recycling bins.


Despite such positive action, 41 per cent are still very worried about the effects of climate change.


And while 91 per cent of Scots believe that it is important that the UK becomes carbon-neutral by 2050, only a quarter think the country will achieve this goal.


Abi Robins from Centrica added: “Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we’re facing, and we believe it needs to be tackled together. By encouraging collaborative action, from local authorities, governments and businesses all the way to the individual this will bring us closer to a fairer, more sustainable future.


“By setting up and supporting sustainable initiatives, local communities can explore more innovative solutions to an ongoing issue, which can help lead to a better and cleaner planet.”


To find out more about the Energy for Tomorrow initiative, and to enter, please visit https://www.centrica.com/EnergyforTomorrow




  1. Used reusable carrier bags
  2. Turned off lights when leaving the room
  3. Line drying your towels and clothes
  4. Shopping locally
  5. Used a reusable water bottle
  6. Changed to energy efficient bulbs
  7. Turned off the tap while brushing my teeth
  8. Unplugging devices when not in use
  9. Washing cloths instead of binning them just because they are dirty
  10. Chose to walk or cycle somewhere instead of drive
  11. Opting for loose veggies/fruit
  12. Shopping in charity shops/second hand
  13. Having shorter showers
  14. Taking public transport
  15. Washing clothes in cold temperatures
  16. Use bar soaps instead of liquid bottles
  17. Opting for tins/jars that can be recycled over a plastic
  18. Cutting back on meat consumption
  19. Used reusable coffee cups
  20. Reusing wrapping paper
  21. Growing your own fruit and veg
  22. Upcycling
  23. Using dishwashers to clean dishes rather than hand washing
  24. Composting
  25. Using recycled loo roll
  26. Choosing biodegradable face wipes
  27. Buying sustainably sourced coffee and tea
  28. Cycling more
  29. Turning very ripe fruits into a cake or preserve/jam
  30. Looking for eco-friendly materials when buying clothes
  31. Collecting rainwater for plants
  32. Moulding leftover bits of soap together
  33. Planting trees
  34. Having cold showers
  35. Reusing teabags
  36. Buying sustainably sourced chocolate
  37. Using reusable cotton pads
  38. Using sustainable sanitary products
  39. Shopping at a zero waste/plastic free shop
  40. Making plant pots out of plastic bottles
  41. Switched to a purely plant-based diet
  42. Installed solar panels
  43. Carpooling
  44. Maxing wax wraps for food
  45. Purchasing denim from brands that offer to repair or extend the life and reduce water/energy usage
  46. Building community gardens with neighbours
  47. Switching to a water meter
  48. Using an e-scooter
  49. Using children’s toy rental companies
  50. Buying an air source heat pump



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