Sport is dividing millions of families – with one in three football fans supporting a different team than their partner.
And nearly three in 10 (28 per cent) even follow a different team to their own children
As a result, 35 per cent have gone ‘several days’ without talking to a loved one after a clash between their sides.
The study of 1,000 football fans found 31 per cent have even thrown away someone else’s football shirt.
While three in 10 have spent a night in the spare room following a sporting dispute – and 15 per cent said their marriages went on to end in DIVORCE.
Brenna Mulholland, from Snickers, which is the sponsor of both the English and Scottish football teams and commissioned the research, said: “People take their sport extremely seriously, and when it comes to supporting the opposite team, it doesn’t matter who they are, even if it is family, the gloves come off.
“Trust us, we know how awkward things can get… particularly as we’re sponsoring both Scotland and England this summer.
“In fact, according to our research, we found that 22 per cent of football fans not only support different teams, but also sides that happen to be deadly rivals.”
The study also found that over the course of a year, relatives will fall out an average of 18 times over something football related.
Three in 10 households even have separate TV in their homes so matches can be watched separately.
Despite this, one in three respondents like that they support a different team than someone in their family.
Although a fifth believe they would enjoy a more ‘peaceful life’ if everyone under the roof rooted for the same side.
In the spirit of togetherness, 44 per cent would be at least somewhat likely to wear a ‘half and half’ scarf featuring their team, and that of a loved one.
But more than a quarter (27 per cent) believe the much-reviled piece of fanwear should be ‘banned from all sports.”
Brenna added: “Faced with the peculiar predicament of sponsoring both England and Scotland, we decided there was only one thing to do – create our own, neutral nation: BOTHLANDS.
“Everyone’s welcome! Even families who support different sides – you know what they say, opposites attract.”
Ahead of the hotly anticipated football clash between England and Scotland on June 18th, Snickers is introducing the ‘Snickers Hot Take Hotline’ allowing fans to highlight terrible football opinions they see on social media.
Football fans can tag @snickersuk in a Tweet and they will be offered chocolate in return formake their dreadful football opinion disappear – #DeleteYourTweetForATreat.