Using room lights on different floors, this is the moment London hotels officially declared themselves ‘OPEN’ for all guests again.
As the capital – and the country – begins to get back to normal life, Crowne Plaza London – Docklands and Holiday Inn Kensington Forum celebrated being open for non-essential guests again from Monday.
The four-letter word was created using lights in 80 different rooms across the two hotels.
They were joined by other IHG hotels across the country as the group’s hotels reopen.
The display is part of a countrywide celebration as restrictions are slowly easing and people can rediscover travel again and enjoy the comforts of a hotel nationwide.
Shilson Thapa, who was passing by the hotel, said: “Nothing quite says ‘open’ than when it’s there in lights.
“People are excited for things to re-open, I think hotels will be crowded because people want to escape from their home – I know I do.”
And Beth Bar added: “I cannot believe we are finally at the point of reopening, obviously it’s great, but I still feel cautious.
“I’ve missed being able to have the freedom of travel – I’ve booked a staycation in Portsmouth.
“Honestly, it will be nice to see something other than my own four walls and sleep in a different bed, we took so much for granted and now life is reopening.”
Throughout the pandemic, IHG Hotels & Resorts has supported government-led programmes such as providing rooms for the homeless and people needing a home away from home during a challenging time, along with nurses, doctors and other frontline workers.
As vaccines continue to roll out, restrictions are easing and consumer confidence is returning, the group is seeing a positive trend when it comes to people are making plans and an increase in bookings.
Karin Sheppard, managing director, Europe, IHG Hotels & Resorts, said: “Travel is a huge part of normal life, and people’s desire to explore, relax or reconnect with friends and family hasn’t changed.
“We wanted to bring to life the excitement we’re feeling across the United Kingdom and Ireland to welcome leisure guests again and get back to what our hotels do best.
“We’ve been there for guests during some very tough times, and we continue to focus on providing flexibility when plans change, and clean, safe, trusted stays for those ready to travel.”

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