Research of 2,000 adults in a relationship revealed 47 per cent argue on a weekly basis about clutter in their home, with 30 per cent claiming the amount of clutter their other half builds up gives them the ‘ick’.
And 23 per cent have admitted their partner’s approach to tidiness has put a strain on their relationship.
The most common messes that fuel arguments include piles of random items sitting around, stacked up dirty plates and wet towels left where they were last used.
The research was commissioned by local-sharing app Olio, to encourage people to pass on their unwanted possessions to those who live nearby, to help declutter their space this Bank Holiday weekend.
Master KonMari, consultant and professional home organiser, Sue Spencer, who is working with the brand, said: “We all have different levels of ‘clutter tolerance’ and this can inevitably cause some frictions in relationships if your partner’s view of a tidy home isn’t in line with how you’d like your home to look and feel.
“The environment we live in impacts our emotions and moods and therefore when things at home aren’t aligned it can cause arguments and resentment – neither of which are good for a joyful life.
“When you aren’t comfortable in the way your home feels you are less likely to relax, connect and spend quality time with each other – especially if one of you feels they are constantly tidying up the space.
“Clutter has been shown to impact on cortisol levels so if you are sensitive to the level of clutter in your space you are more likely to feel stressed.”
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