Nearly a quarter of adults admit they are ‘practically addicted’ to online shopping – and get more excited by a delivery than about clocking off work for the day.
A study of 2,000 Brits found 82 per cent enjoy shopping for things on the internet, because it’s easier to find what you want and you can keep track of your spending.
More than half (53 per cent) also admitted to getting excited on delivery day when the doorbell rings and their parcel arrives.
Shoppers even look forward to their online purchases arriving more than video calls with friends and family or the end of the working day.
The research, commissioned by Argos, also found 68 per cent will constantly check for updates on the arrival of their new purchase.
And more than one in 10 have become such a ‘regular’ that they even know their delivery driver by name.
The study also found 57 per cent would make the most of online shopping and at-home delivery if they were itching to get their hands on the latest products and avoid the crowds.
To add to the excitement of getting a delivery, Argos has teamed up with Perri Kiely and Jordan Banjo to create the LEGO Super Brick delivery van – which features 190,000 bricks and took a team of 23 technicians 800 hours to build.
Jordan said: “We’re thrilled to have had a hand in bringing this incredible Super Brick van to life – it’s exactly the type of thing that used to live in our imaginations when we’d play with LEGO growing up.”
Perri added: “Even as adults, we’re still massive fans of LEGO, and we can’t wait for children to be just as amazed as we were when this turns up on their doorstep.”
Juliet Ward, head of toy buying at Argos said: “It’s interesting to see how in this digital age, it’s the doorbell ringing and getting that delivery which really excites the nation.
“There are so many benefits of online shopping and home delivery, and we pride ourselves in giving customers an experience, from selecting the product to delivering it at their door.
“With so much time spent inside over the past few months, we are really excited to be able to bring people an extra bit of joy along with their new products.
“Our customers have been huge fans of both LEGO and Super Mario for years, and we know they have loved getting hands on with this new range.”
The study also found the average adult will buy seven items online every month – more than double the three products bought a month in 2019.
And 52 per cent acknowledged that they’ve had more home deliveries in 2020 – as a result of online shopping – compared to previous years.
Games consoles and toys are among some of the items people have bought more of online in the last six months than they did previously.
The research, conducted via OnePoll, found nearly half of those polled do most of their shopping online – whether that’s delivery straight to their door or a simple click and collect purchase.
But while three in 10 like online shopping as it allows them to easily compare prices or buy items they can’t get in their local area, 19 per cent simply enjoy the feeling of getting a delivery to their home.
Almost half (45 per cent) shop online to buy bulky items to avoid the battle of getting them home from the shops, while 29 per cent like being able to order gifts directly to a recipient’s door.
Juliet added: “People are choosing online shopping as their preferred experience more than ever before and toys have once again made into the top three most popular categories purchased online.”
To be in with the chance of winning a bundle of LEGO Super Mario goodies worth over £300 delivered in the Argos LEGO delivery truck, enter the competition at https://www.argos.co.uk/static/ArgosPromo3/includeName/lego-mario-competition.htm
Top 10 reasons Brits like online shopping:
1. It’s easier to find what you want
2. There’s more variety online
3. You can do it in little bursts – so you don’t have to go on a long shopping trip
4. It’s easier to track spending
5. It’s a good way to treat yourself
6. It makes it more exciting when you wait for a parcel
7. You like getting post
8. You can do it while you’re at work
9. It puts you in a good mood
10. It’s more fun
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