By Gemma Francis
Millions of Brits regularly suffer from ‘brain-fade’, a study has found.
Researchers found nine out of ten of us frequently endure moments when our minds go blank and we walk into rooms and totally forget what we went in there for, or absent-mindedly put the cereal in the fridge or the milk in the cupboard.
Forgetting where we parked our car, searching for specs which were on top of our head or sending a text message to the person we were talking about, rather than the intended recipient.
This who took part in the study also admitted going into work but leaving their car keys in the ignition of their unattended vehicle.
Another asked a friend to call their phone to help them find it – while they were on the phone.
The survey by Rescue Plus also found more than seven in ten reckon they are more likely to have a ‘brain-fade’ moment when they are tired, while six in ten think it comes after a busy day.
More than four in ten said they blamed technology for ‘brain-fade’ as we use our brains less because we rely on gadgets to help get us through the day
A spokesman for Rescue Plus said: “We’ve all been there – walked into a room with a purpose, only to get there and wonder why we were in there in the first place.
“And it seems we aren’t alone with many finding themselves having a brain-fade moment several times a week.
“While many would simply joke that it comes with getting older, many find they are more likely to have a brain-fade moment when they are tired or have had a busy day.
“Being preoccupied with other things is always going to leave you struggling to remember everything, leaving you open to making silly little mistakes as your mind goes blank.”
The poll of 2,000 Brits revealed the average adult suffers brain-fade moments an average of six times a week.
Eighty-seven per cent have walked into a room and completely forgotten what they went in there for while 66 per cent have regularly called someone by the wrong name.
More than a third have found themselves absent-mindedly writing or typing a word they have heard someone nearby say, rather than the one what they actually wanted to use.
Others admitted to automatically heading in the direction of work when they really wanted to go in the opposite direction and climbing into the driver’s side when you are actually the passenger.
It also emerged one in four admit they have a reputation among friends and family for making silly mistakes, with 54 per cent saying they have had someone comment on a brain-fade moment they have suffered.
One in two even say they openly laugh if they witness or hear about someone else’s brain-fade.
But more than a third admit a slip of the mind has left them feeling embarrassed, while one in ten even said it has led to them getting into some kind of trouble.
More than a third of those polled by OnePoll.com even said their brain-fade moment resulted in a mistake at work while four in ten said it meant they forgot something important.
Others say a brain-fade has led to wasted time, money and an argument with their partner.
A spokesman for Rescue Plus added: “In today’s society, distraction is rife as there is so much happening at any given time.
“From keeping on top of emails, organising time for an exercise session after work and finding a spare hour to cook dinner, to parents getting everyone out of the door on time for school.
“With Christmas around the corner too, there will be preoccupied minds everywhere as parents not only get started on the festive preparations, but also plan activities to keep the children entertained for two weeks.
“The growing mindfulness trend is ideal for taking some time out and refocusing our thoughts, but with the fast pace of everyday living, brain-fade moments are often unavoidable, particularly as we’re so busy thinking about how to manage our lives better and also do the best for friends and family.”
Top 20 ‘brain-fade’ moments
1. Walked into a room and completely forgotten why you went in there
2. Forgot someone’s name
3. Written or typed a word I have heard someone nearby say rather than the word I’m thinking of
4. Forgot where I’ve parked the car
5. Gone looking for your glasses which are on top of your head
6. Put the milk back in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge
7. Looked for your phone when it’s in your hand
8. Driven towards work automatically when you wanted to go in the other direction
9. Gotten into the wrong side of the car – such as getting into the driver’s seat when you’re the passenger
10. Sent a text or instant message to the person I’m talking about rather than the person I meant to send it to
11. Locked myself out of my house
12. Peeled vegetables/fruit but then put all the peelings into the bin with the fruit/veg you wanted to use
13. Got in the shower with an item of clothing or accessories still on
14. Walked out of a shop without paying for items
15. Sprayed deodorant on your hair and hairspray under your arms
16. Put your glasses on forgetting you already have your contacts in
17. Using a work key card to try and get into your front door
18. Used your credit/bank card to try and get you into a hotel room/your work security etc
19. Cracked an egg into the bin rather than a bowl
20. Filling car up with wrong fuel