News Copy – By Gemma Francis
How to use on-demand TV, being ‘green’ and understanding hashtags are the things grandparents are getting to grips with – thanks to their grandchildren, it has emerged.
Researchers who carried out a detailed study found the dawn of the technological age is reversing the old tradition of grans and granddads passing advice down to their grandkids.
Among the other tasks and ‘skills’ which savvy senior citizens are picking up are downloading or streaming music, using emojis and even learning the how to nail Fortnite’s ‘The Floss’ dance.
Being able to name all the recent Disney Princesses, knowing common young street slang terms such as YOLO, along with how to have new adventures and see the world through innocent eyes also featured highly on the list.
The study also found in return ‘elders’ are helping youngsters learn to plant seeds, how to respect older folk, how to be a good person and how important it is to try new things.
Disney On Ice commissioned the study to mark the launch of their search for ‘Very Important Grandparents’ around the UK.
Spokesperson Claire Ballard said: “The relationship between a grandparent and their grandchild is a special one.
“As parents rely on their parents more than ever to help with childcare, children are spending more time with their grandparents which means they are teaching each other a host of new things.”
TOWIE star Billie Faiers, her four-year-old daughter Nelly and mum Sue Wells have joined Disney in their hunt for outstanding grans and granddads.
Billie said: “Since having children, I’ve realised how invaluable grandparents are and we should definitely celebrate them.
“I still remember all the things my grandparents taught me. Nelly loves doing all kinds of activities with my mum such as baking cakes or learning to ice skate and I know Nelly keeps mum on her toes too, it’s amazing to watch their relationship together.
“That’s why it’s even more magical to work with my mum to launch VIGP Disney On Ice competition and what better prize the ultimate trip to the show in London.”
The study found 76 per cent of grandparents are learning from their grandchildren and becoming more tech savvy by learning how to use smartphones, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as the names of the hottest current YouTubers.
It also emerged 79 per cent of older Brits who took part said they felt spending time with their grandchildren helped keep them young.
One in three went as far as to claim they had passed on far more useful knowledge to their grandchildren than they had received.
With parents working more than ever, typically grandparents are getting to enjoy up to ten hours every week with their grandchildren.
Babysitting, having them over for tea or dinner and doing the school run are the most popular ways they are involved in the younger ones’ lives.
One in five even said they regularly get to take their grandkids away on holiday without mum and dad.
Taking them to family shows and looking after them when they are poorly also made the list.
It also emerged 67 per cent of grandparents believe they spend more time with their grandkids than they themselves enjoyed with their gran and grandad when they were younger.
How to cook and bake, understanding card games, and how to be brave all made the list of things grandchildren have learned from their grandparents
The campaign marks the launch of its new show Disney On Ice presents Dream Big, which is the first time Moana will appear live in the UK.
Children are being invited to enter by sharing something they have learnt from their grandparent or grandparent figures on the Disney On Ice Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DisneyOnIce/
Claire Ballard added: “Grandparents really are the heroes in many families much like Gramma Tala is in the story of Moana and with this being the first time the story is appearing Disney On Ice in the UK we want to celebrate them to show how loved and appreciated they are with the VIGP competition.”
Top 20 things grandparents learn from grandchildren:
How to see the world through innocent eyes
The words to Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’
General young people’s slang
The names of the Disney Princesses
The names of the different superheroes
How to do the ‘Floss’ dance
How to play video and computer games
Current family gossip
How to use emojis
How to use a smartphone
How to watch on demand and catch up TV
How to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Who the latest Youtuber is
How to have a new adventure
How to respect and look after the planet
How to set up a Wi-Fi network
How to try new things without fear
What a hashtag is
How to download or stream music
What YOLO means
Top 20 things grandchildren learn from grandparents:
Good manners
How to bake or cook
About your family history
How to play card games
How to plant a seed
How to respect elders
How to be a good person
To try new things
Old fashioned jokes
Arts and crafts
To never give up
To be brave
To respect the planet
How to sew
How to have a new adventure
How to ride a bike
How to swim
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