A smartphone giant has surprised two pals by giving them their latest device for FREE – after the pair cracked the new IPhone X’s facial recognition with both their faces.
Huawei, the world’s second largest smartphone manufacturer, surprised Joe Clayton and Brad Butcher with the delivery of their latest phone yesterday (Mon).
The friends made headlines last week after discovering Joe’s brand new £1,200 IPhone opened after recognising Brad’s face.
But Joe, 23, had set up the gadget so only his face appearing in front of the camera would unlock the phone.
It means Brad, 22, can make contactless payments using debit and credit cards connected to the phone – despite Apple claiming the chances of a mix up are one in a MILLION.
Huawei came to the rescue upon hearing about their disappointing experience – gifting the friends with a £620 Mate 10 Pro each.
The Mate 10 is packed with a range of features, including a fingerprint scanner and the Kirin 970 processor.
It also uses AI, thinking and learning like a human to deliver the fastest performance.
This, combined with its Leica Dual Lens camera and powerful 4,000mAh battery, provides users with a secure and intuitive smartphone experience.
Joe, a construction worker, said: “After all the hype around the Apple iPhone X, not to mention the cost of the handset, I was pretty shocked when Brad was able to outsmart the software and access all my personal information.
“I’m just thanking my lucky stars it was him and not someone I don’t know! Big thanks to Huawei who have stepped in to help us avoid having this problem again!”
Childhood friends Joe and Brad, from Melksham, Wilts., both have dark hair and brown eyes, but have distinctly different shaped faces, noses and mouths.
Brad said: “It’s nice of Huawei to reach out to us. I’m excited to start using the phone – it’s a really good model.
“I wouldn’t get another iPhone because the face recognition is such a large security feature that’s clearly faulty.”
Joe got the phone delivered from EE three weeks ago and pays £52 a month on a two-year contract – reduced from £85 due to a family discount.
Brad, an apprentice joiner, and Joe grew up on the same road and have been best friends since 2005 and they often work out together.
The pair spotted the flaw in the gym on January 22 when Joe injured his Achilles tendon and he handed over the phone so Brad could call his pal’s worried girlfriend.
They’ve since realised Brad can access Joe’s phone every time he looks at it, giving him full access to his contacts, messages and apps – including contactless payment.
Video shows the duo walking into a supermarket and both using the phone to purchase a bag of sweets at a self-scanner – by unlocking it with their faces.
Apple say the probability of a random person unlocking an iPhone X with facial ID is one in a million – less than their ‘fingerprint’ technology.
Their website claims: “The probability that a random person in the population could look at your iPhone X and unlock it using Face ID is approximately one in one million (versus one in 50,000 for Touch ID).”
Joe, a model who has appeared on Jack Wills advert banner described the glitch as a “massive security breach” which is “extremely worrying”.
Sent under embargo – no use before 00.01 GMT February 8 2018.Joe Calton 23 (black top) whose iPhone X can be unlocked by his mate Bradley Butcher 22 (white top), Melksham. See SWNS story SWIPHONE; Two friends have beat million-to-one odds to crack the facial recognition on the new £1,200 iPhone X – after discovering it accepted BOTH their faces. Joe Clayton, 23, was shocked when best pal Brad Butcher, 22, unlocked Apple’s most expensive phone just by looking at it. The construction site manager had set up the gadget so only his face appearing in front of the camera would unlock the screen. But the phone will also give Ben access – and therefore make contactless payments, send messages and make calls – despite Apple claiming the chances of a mix up are one in a MILLION.
Sent under embargo – no use before 00.01 GMT February 8 2018.Joe Calton 23 (black top) whose iPhone X can be unlocked by his mate Bradley Butcher 22 (white top), Melksham. See SWNS story SWIPHONE; Two friends have beat million-to-one odds to crack the facial recognition on the new £1,200 iPhone X – after discovering it accepted BOTH their faces. Joe Clayton, 23, was shocked when best pal Brad Butcher, 22, unlocked Apple’s most expensive phone just by looking at it. The construction site manager had set up the gadget so only his face appearing in front of the camera would unlock the screen. But the phone will also give Ben access – and therefore make contactless payments, send messages and make calls – despite Apple claiming the chances of a mix up are one in a MILLION.
Sent under embargo – no use before 00.01 GMT February 8 2018.Joe Calton 23 (black top) whose iPhone X can be unlocked by his mate Bradley Butcher 22 (white top), Melksham. See SWNS story SWIPHONE; Two friends have beat million-to-one odds to crack the facial recognition on the new £1,200 iPhone X – after discovering it accepted BOTH their faces. Joe Clayton, 23, was shocked when best pal Brad Butcher, 22, unlocked Apple’s most expensive phone just by looking at it. The construction site manager had set up the gadget so only his face appearing in front of the camera would unlock the screen. But the phone will also give Ben access – and therefore make contactless payments, send messages and make calls – despite Apple claiming the chances of a mix up are one in a MILLION.
Sent under embargo – no use before 00.01 GMT February 8 2018.Joe Calton 23 (black top) whose iPhone X can be unlocked by his mate Bradley Butcher 22 (white top), Melksham. See SWNS story SWIPHONE; Two friends have beat million-to-one odds to crack the facial recognition on the new £1,200 iPhone X – after discovering it accepted BOTH their faces. Joe Clayton, 23, was shocked when best pal Brad Butcher, 22, unlocked Apple’s most expensive phone just by looking at it. The construction site manager had set up the gadget so only his face appearing in front of the camera would unlock the screen. But the phone will also give Ben access – and therefore make contactless payments, send messages and make calls – despite Apple claiming the chances of a mix up are one in a MILLION.
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