Now, that’s how you break out of lockdown… RuPaul’s Drag Race UK contestant A’Whora burst out of a giant 15-foot rose gold padlock in East London today – to celebrate the easing of lockdown restrictions.
Created by cruelty-free beauty brand Lottie London as hair and beauty salons, bars, restaurants and non-essential shops reopen, the brand unveiled a super-sized lock installation in Shoreditch Boxpark, which unleashed the fabulous A’Whora in a range of vegan products.
The surprise revealed the star in a beauty counter, to encourage Londoners to unlock their make-up skills as they are allowed to get social for the first time this year.
Fans were thrilled when their day was filled with extra sparkle by the famous British drag queen who tried out a few products from the brand’s cult range.
Charlotte Knight, CEO and Founder of Lottie London, said: “We wanted to celebrate the unlocking of the City by surprising Londoners.
“Lottie London is all about expressing yourself, getting creative and experimenting with trendy, affordable make-up products and tools.
“Now’s the time for Gen Zs to be out again, unlocking their makeup skills and we at Lottie London are at the forefront to celebrate that – in a Covid-cautious manner, of course.
“A’Whora was the perfect glamorous assistant to inspire Londoners to have fun and get experimental with new looks as the wait is over to socialise with family and friends.”
The handcrafted 15ft lock took six days to create from start to finish and featured the perfect dressing up station with a makeup chair, Hollywood style mirror and array of Lottie London’s best-selling makeup products.
Passersby got to see A’Whora up close and received samples at the makeup station which adhered to COVID regulations (with the use of plastic gloves, face shields, disposable eye and lip applicators, sponge wedges, disposable face makeup brushes, makeup wipes, and hand sanitizers.)
Season 2 RuPaul’s Drag Race top 5 contestant, A’Whora, said: “Well doesn’t this just scream fun and feeling fabulous?
“It was an absolute delight to see the reactions on peoples’ faces when they saw me appear through the Lottie lock doors in front of the ultimate vanity station.
“We want people to get back their shimmer and sparkle and enjoy every moment of being set free again.”
Lottie London’s cult product range which includes the Stamp Liner, Freckle Tint, and Mega Brow products, all available to buy online.
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