The typical Brit spends five hours and 41 minutes outside each week to boost their mood, clear their mind – and get away from their partner, according to a study.

A poll of 2,000 adults discovered 22 per cent aim to get away from screens for an average of 49 minutes per day and switch off from work by heading outdoors.

And one in four believe it’s the only chance they can get for some peace and quiet away from the hectic household.

It also emerged that two thirds of adults believe the way they spend time outside for leisure has changed in 2020.

But with long woodland walks likely to have been replaced with strolls around their local estate, 49 per cent admitted to being concerned about air pollution levels.

The study was commissioned by NiQuitin, which has partnered with the British Lung Foundation to empower people to take action and work towards healthier lungs.

Sarah Woolnough, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, said: “For the 12 million people in the UK affected by a lung condition such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it can pose a real and immediate threat to their health and overall quality of life.”

“The pandemic has highlighted the importance of healthy, resilient lungs and now we must provide the information people need about air pollution, an otherwise invisible killer, to protect themselves and those around them.”

The study also found that despite being generally worried about the levels of air pollution around them, half of adults have ‘no idea’ what the levels are in their local area.

As a result, four in 10 adults would like more information about local air pollution levels and the inherent resulting risks.

A further 46 per cent would welcome stricter clean air regulations, while a third want to see ‘Clean Air Zones’.

Just under a tenth of respondents said it is difficult – or very difficult – to access what they consider to be clean air, from where they live.

But more than half also believe the Covid-19 pandemic has led them to do more to protect their lung health.

Because of this, a quarter have stopped exercising near busy roads and four in 10 have cut back on their driving, according to the OnePoll research.

Additionally many of those who smoke have taken steps to boost their lung health, with two thirds more motivated to cut down or quit altogether – as a result of the pandemic.

Laure de Brauer, from Perrigo UK & Ireland, the creator of NiQuitin, said: “Lung health has been pushed front of mind by the pandemic and we are encouraged to see the rate of smokers acting on this awareness, feeling motivated to cut back on smoking or quit the habit altogether.

“Lockdown has also had a real impact on people’s appreciation for their health, and in particular lung health.

“We’re pleased to be partnering with the BLF to pursue a world with improved lung health.”


1. To stay fit and healthy
2. To clear their mind
3. To improve their mood
4. To make them feel healthier
5. For sports/exercise
6. To energise them
7. To get some peace and quiet
8. To switch off from work
9. To walk the dog
10. To improve their step count
11. Because they are bored at home
12. To meet friends
13. To make a distinction between work life and home life
14. To get some time away from their family
15. To get some time away from their partner


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