The things most likely to put a smile on people’s faces include seeing loved ones, having a lie in – and getting likes on social media.
A poll of 2,000 adults also found 28 per cent can’t help but grin when they see a dog on a walk and 39 per cent enjoy waking up to sunshine.
More than half said seeing others smile improves their mood and a compliment from a stranger makes 41 per cent happy.
The research also found applying make-up perfectly and wearing bright coloured lipstick also results in a smile.
Charlotte Knight, founder and CEO of Ciate London, which commissioned the research, said: “It’s great to see the everyday things which are making people smile at the moment, especially after a bleak few months.
“From the weather and our appearance to seeing strangers be happy and even pets, it’s nice to get a little lift from everyday things.
“The research proves how often people enjoy smiling and the difference it can make to both self-confidence and overall moods and therefore we are so happy to introduce our mood-boosting beauty collection with SmileyWorld.
“Particularly at times like the present it’s important to stay self-confident, emotionally aware and see the positives in everyday moments by sharing smiles.”
The study also found waking up on a good hair day, getting a surprise from someone and getting dressed up are likely to raise a beam.
And while 85 per cent have smiled at a stranger as a friendly gesture, 48 per cent have had their grin complimented.
However, 46 per cent have felt self-conscious of their smile at some point.
In order to boost confidence when smiling 22 per cent have applied more make-up, with 30 per cent saying wearing lipstick immediately makes them feel more self-assured.
Other ways women improve their look – and in turn their sureness – include changing their hairstyle (17 per cent), and wearing brightly coloured clothing (12 per cent).
Similarly, 49 per cent feel better about themselves when wearing a lick of mascara and 33 per cent get a boost from wearing perfume.
Red lipstick has stood the test of time, with it being revealed as the most confidence-inducing shade, followed by nude and light pink.
And one in six couldn’t imagine leaving the house without wearing lippy, while 17 per cent wouldn’t do so without wearing foundation.
The study also found that during the pandemic, 45 per cent believe it has been important to find things to smile about in order to stay positive.
A third of those polled via OnePoll want to find more things to beam about following lockdown and 28 per cent vow to have more of a positive outlook in the future.
More than half also said seeing someone else look happy improves their mood and in recent months, 28 per cent have made more of an effort to smile at others.
When smiling, 36 per cent of the nation are most likely to keep their lips closed while 28 per cent will show their teeth.
And more than a quarter believe they have smiled more with age.
Charlotte, from Ciate London, added: “Everyone has a different way of smiling, whether that’s showing teeth in a cheesy grin style or a pursed lips pose.
“The research proves women in particular like to enhance their smiles with lipstick in a range of shades which complement their teeth and overall appearance.
“While it’s a shame people suffer from self-consciousness, it’s positive to see they have found ways that suit them to improve their confidence – from colourful clothing and glowing make-up, to restyling their hair and even taking a selfie.”
Discover the Ciate x SmileyWorld beauty collection at https://www.ciatelondon.com/blogs/the-glossip/ciate-x-smileyworld-is-here
Top things which make Brits smile:
1. Good news
2. If someone smiles at you
3. Positive news
4. Seeing loved ones
5. Making someone else smile
6. Someone telling a joke
7. Being with family
8. Getting a surprise from someone
9. Seeing a baby laughing or smiling
10. A compliment from a stranger
11. Listening to music
12. Waking up to sunshine
13. Eating a nice meal
14. TV shows
15. A nice weather forecast
16. Waking up next to someone you love
17. Films
18. Seeing a dog on a walk
19. Getting a discount in a shop
20. Reading a book
21. Payday
22. Seeing a happy couple
23. Exercising
24. Trying something new
25. Getting a good morning text
26. Having a lie in
27. Getting dressed up in your favourite clothes
28. Going on a date
29. Waking up on a ‘good hair day’
30. Scrolling through social media
31. Public transport arriving on time
32. Getting likes on social media
33. Applying make-up perfectly
34. Buying new make-up
35. Wearing bright coloured lipstick
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