More than half of parents feel they would be in their ‘dream job’ now, if they’d had better career guidance during their teenage years.
The study of 2,000 parents of children aged 11-18 who go to a non-fee paying school found 69 per cent also think they would have benefited from more regular conversations with their own parents about future job options.
Instead, 37 per cent admitted they ‘fell into’ their career.
The advice they wish they’d been given around their future work life included venturing outside your comfort zone, doing what’s right for you and always asking if you have a problem.
As a result, 84 per cent are now actively looking to guide their children on this, with 32 per cent believing job satisfaction is more important than money.

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The survey was commissioned by The Gatsby Foundation as part of its Talking Futures campaign, which aims to help parents talk to children about education

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