Listen in ultra-HD as the UK’s number one female competitive eater, Leah Shutkever, chomps, crunches and chews her way through an array of delicious meat-free dishes, including a burger loaded with pickles, crispy chicken-style nuggets and crunchy tacos.
Other spine-tingling sensory snacks featured in the video include crunchy crudites, a vegan hot dog and a meat-free Caesar salad with croutons.
Research of 2,000 adults found 48 per cent of Brits have specific sound triggers that relax them, whilst a third actively seek out pleasing sounds to unwind from stress.
Nicola Yates, spokeswoman for vegan food brands, The Fry Family Food Co., Oumph! and LikeMeat, said: “Our research shows that listening to ASMR is a great way to indulge your senses and unwind from the daily stresses of modern life.
“Plant-based eating isn’t just good for the taste buds – it’s good for the ears too! That’s why we’ve created a Veganuary ASMR experience to stimulate the senses, and highlight just how great meat-free meals can look, taste – and sound.
“January is often associated with restricting your diet after an indulgent festive season, but we want to prove that you can still spoil yourself with plants – with all the benefits that meat free eating brings, and still experience all of the pleasures of your favourite foods. Turn up the volume and tuck in – it’s a treat for all of the senses!”
The study also found that while one in four Brits are aware of the power of ASMR therapy, only 25 per cent of those polled knew the acronym stands for ‘Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.’
In fact, four in 10 had no idea what the initials stood for, while 15 per cent guessed at ‘Aural Sensations of Massive Relaxation’.
However, a tuned in 42 per cent revealed they actively seek out ASMR videos when feeling overwhelmed with modern life.
The research also found the ocean to be the most soothing sound among Brits, being selected by 51 per cent.
The OnePoll figures found another watery sound – waterfalls – in second place, with 38 per cent, while third place went to the sound of a fire crackling.
In the kitchen, half of respondents say they find cooking ‘therapeutic’, and three in 10 often make dishes purely so they can hear foodie sounds.
Food sizzling in a pan was selected by 12 per cent as their favourite sound, with an apple crunching and wine cork popping also appearing in the top 40 list.
It also emerged more than 50 per cent of adults believe they have a generally stressful life, with work overwhelmingly the area causing most anxiety (55 per cent.)
A quarter find keeping up with friends to be stressful, while another 24 per cent say the same about parenting.
When it comes to relaxation, nearly half of those polled believed following a plant-based diet would be better for their general health and wellbeing, and 57 per cent believed it would help their quality of sleep.
One in five thought plant-based eating would make them happier and more content than a diet including meat and dairy.
Researchers also found 36 per cent of those polled thought a plant-based diet could still be indulgent and were most likely to treat themselves to meat-free burgers (23 per cent), curries (21 per cent) and vegan pies (20 per cent) when rustling up a plant-based dinner.
Vegan food brands, Fry’s, Oumph! and LikeMeat are using the ASMR video to encourage more people to sign up to take part in Veganuary 2021, swapping meat products for plant-based alternatives throughout the month.
Nicola Yates added: “As we head into Veganuary once again, there’s no better time to introduce meat-free options into your diet. With so many great plant-based foods available, people can still enjoy all of their favourite dishes, from meat-free burgers, hot dogs and kebabs, to pies, chicken-style nuggets and even sausage rolls.
“We look forward to showing the nation how they can spoil themselves with plants this Veganuary.”
1. The sea
2. Waterfalls
3. A wood fire crackling
4. Birdsong
5. Rain on a window
6. The wind in the trees
7. A cat purring
8. Rainforest sounds
9. Crunching snow
10. Crunching leaves
11. Food sizzling in a pan
12. Animal noises
13. Thunder
14. A bath running
15. Pouring a drink
16. A clock ticking
17. Train going over the tracks
18. Whispering
19. The swoosh of car windscreen wipers
20. A child snoring
21. A shower running somewhere in the house
22. Typewriter keys
23. The hum of the central heating coming on
24. Kettle boiling
25. Bottle cork popping
26. Running a tap
27. Humming
28. A cold chocolate bar being broken up
29. Popcorn popping
30. A fizzy pop can opening
31. A pen on paper
32. Pouring seeds into a bowl
33. Paper being crinkled
34. An apple crunching
35. Chopping/crushing nuts
36. Tearing a baguette
37. Hairdryer
38. The sound of carrots being snapped
39. Snapping of a breadstick
40. Vacuum cleaners