A quarter of Brits have admitted intentionally breaking Covid-19 restrictions to see family, friends or for their own mental health, research has revealed.

The likes of Rita Ora and Kay Burley have been widely criticised after they were caught breaching the rules, either by partying with friends or failing to quarantine after travelling abroad.

And a survey of 2,000 UK adults revealed 23 per cent have also broken the rules in December alone.

More than a fifth (21 per cent) said they would break the rules around Christmas bubbles to see their family members indoors.

The most common reasons why respondents decided to break the rules were because they wanted to see family and because the current restrictions were affecting their mental health (both 33 per cent).

Almost a third (31 per cent) said they felt the rules were too strict, while 25 per cent said they didn’t think they were necessary.

The same figure (25 per cent) claimed they didn’t understand why they could see people at work but not at home.

Of the rulebreakers, 60 per cent said they had been inside someone’s house.

A fifth of rulebreakers said they had broken the rule of six, while, more worryingly, five per cent said they didn’t isolate after catching Covid-19 – with seven per cent not isolating after displaying symptoms.

The research was carried out by Medicspot to launch its ‘Test to Release’ [https://www.medicspot.co.uk/test-to-release] programme, which would allow travellers entering England from countries outside the travel corridor list to shorten the 10-day self-isolation period with a negative test.

It also found 64 per cent of adults are putting off travelling internationally because they must quarantine on their return.

More than half (57 per cent) said they were aware they could have their quarantine reduced from 10 to five days if they can prove they don’t have the disease.

However, seven per cent of Brits have ‘done an Ora’ by not quarantining for the correct period after travelling abroad.

The celeb was widely criticised for her antics which involved skipping quarantine after performing in Egypt and then having a 30th birthday party, with 87 per cent saying she was wrong to do this.

Just 16 per cent said they had sympathy for famous faces like Ora and Sky News presenter Kay Burley after they were caught breaking the rules surrounding Covid-19 – although eight per cent of rulebreakers admitted they had been to a dinner party.

More than eight in 10 (84 per cent) adults think celebrities should lead by example when it comes to following Covid-19 restrictions.

A spokesperson for Medicspot said: “Covid restrictions are a sensitive subject and almost half of Brits admit they are confused by the current rules and restrictions.

“Christmas is going to be different this year and many Brits have jetted off for a bit of winter sun and relaxation.

“The government’s Test to Release scheme is a great way for travellers arriving in England to reduce their time in quarantine and also helps provide peace of mind.”

The research, carried out via OnePoll, comes as the government has introduced Tier Four along with far stricter guidelines around the Christmas bubbles – which have now been reduced to just one day.

Two thirds (67 per cent) of respondents are concerned at the prospect of families being able to meet up in bubbles over Christmas

However, almost three quarters (71 per cent) plan on staying at their own home for Christmas.

And when it comes to the tiers, two thirds (65 per cent) do sympathise with the government who have a difficult job on their hands.

A spokesperson for Medicspot added: “Coronavirus is an insidious disease. We now have a vaccine and we’re hoping that 2021 can see a return to some sort of normality, but it’s vital we take precautions and follow government advice.”

More information on the Test to Release initiative – https://www.medicspot.co.uk/test-to-release


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