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Brave Katie Piper really took the plunge – by leaping into icy Welsh waters to highlight the importance of support during life-changing ordeals.
The TV presenter joined The Bluetits, a group of female-only open water swimmers, in freezing temperatures as an act of solidarity.
Facing the chilly depths, Katie made a splash along the coast at Porthsele beach, which sits on the south side of greater Whitesands Bay.
Her initial shock at the cold temperatures was captured as the model crept into the bitter waves before becoming fully submerged.
But she burst into laughter and smiles as she embraced the experience with fellow Bluetits.
Founded in 2014, the group consists of 1,000 members across the country who ditch the wetsuits and come together all-year round to bathe in sea temperatures as low as six degrees.
Through Katie’s well-documented medical history, she relied heavily on family, friends, doctors and nurses for support and took the dip to launch AXA PPP healthcare’s new #InMyCorner campaign, which celebrates the significance of communal strength.
The Bluetits members regularly come together to reap the benefits of cold-water swimming as they support each other.
Katie’s valour has made her an honorary member with fellow Bluetits, whose members range from the ages of 18 to 66.
As part of the campaign, the star will launch the #InMyCorner competition which can be entered by tagging yourself and your hero using #InMyCorner in posts for the chance to win a luxury wellbeing holiday in Mauritius.
Katie said: “The Bluetits are an incredible group.
”Whilst I was anxious about taking the plunge, the support and encouragement they gave me was brilliant and really showed me the spirit of who they are – a group of women who stand by each other.
“I met women who were going through cancer treatment who told me about how the group is helping them stay strong.
“Another woman told me that cold water swimming was improving her mental health.
”It was a once in a lifetime experience and I feel honoured to have become a Bluetit and have met these women who are the epitome of everyday heroes.”
Sian Richardson, Founder of The Bluetits, said: “The Bluetits aren’t just about cold-water swimming – it’s so much more.
“When you first get into the water your mind goes blank and you can’t think of anything else beyond swimming.
“After you’ve been that vulnerable in the cold water all barriers are knocked down and you can talk to anyone about anything.
“The conversations I have had with these women have given me friends for life and I know that no matter what, I have a group of strong women by my side to help me through any challenging times.”
Eugene Farrell, Mental Health Lead at AXA PPP healthcare, said: “Someone who is in our corner can take many different forms.
“They don’t have to be physically near us, but it’s that person who can help explain the silly things we don’t understand, encourage us when we don’t have courage, push you when you want to give up and challenge us by asking that difficult question.
“Most of all, they’re that person you trust and respect who supports you not only when you need it but when you don’t even realise you do.
“It is this that made us, at AXA PPP healthcare, want to celebrate and champion those crucial people in all our lives, showing true appreciation for our everyday heroes.”
The #InMyCorner competition launches today [June 5th] and closes on 16th June.
To take part, simply nominate someone in your corner, tagging them with #InMyCorner across Instagram or Twitter for the chance to win a luxury holiday at a stunning wellness retreat in Mauritius for both of you.
Competition T&Cs can be found at https://www.axappphealthcare.co.uk/inmycorner-terms-and-conditions/
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