VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebF63H5yXOU
PICS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xl2nojlb9rr4ck0/AAChiMf0SQigJVrNxcX-sTDOa?dl=0
Jamie Laing bared all for an ironic marketing campaign poking fun at creative media bods.
The Made in Chelsea star stripped down to his fruity boxers and posed seductively in the tongue-in-cheek marketing campaign which also features a River Thames stunt as well as shining a projection on the White Cliffs of Dover.
Laing was pictured reclining on a chaise and donned a tuxedo to imitate the suave icons of the silver screen.
But rather than sipping a glass of fine whisky he swirled a new Oasis Apple Cherry Sour.
Aside from his racy photoshoot Jamie also made a cameo appearance role in the “How We Get People To Buy Oasis” documentary that takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the world of PR, advertising and marketing.
Laing joins the team at fictional Shoreditch agency Awesome PR, who are desperate to pull off every stunt in the book in the name of promoting the new sour-flavoured soft drink.
The hilarious video shows the creative process, which attempts to create “a buzz” about the new flavours.
It features a receptionist with a triple-barrelled surname and creative director “Phil Large” who explains how brands try to gain exposure in the media.
The creative team suggest a remote controlled pop-up shop on wheels and floating something down the Thames before deciding to draft in Laing, who dons special boxer shorts for a photoshoot.
Alec Mellor, Marketing Manager for Oasis said: “The documentary takes a sideways look at all the different ways we could have promoted the new range and bring sour power to the nation if we had the budget.
“But we don’t. So instead, please go out and buy the new Oasis Apple Cherry Sour and Oasis Kiwi Apple Sour and we’ll promise to never do this again.”
The phony media campaign was launched to promote two new sour Oasis flavours; Apple Cherry Sour and Kiwi Apple Sour.
The new sour-flavoured juice drinks join the rest of the Oasis and Oasis Zero family, available in stockists nationwide now.
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