It’s official – men have a last-minute rush before a holiday while women are more organised, a survey has found.
A poll of 2,000 adults revealed the age-old stereotype of men leaving things to the last minute is true, with guys admitting to starting their holiday preparation as late as possible.
The average woman starts their packing for a break four days before they leave, with more than one in ten allowing a full week to get organised.
But men don’t start packing until three days before they go, with more than half admitting they often leave it until a day or so before, or even on the day, they depart.
The poll by Rescue Remedy also revealed women allow more time to travel to the airport and check in earlier than men.
Despite this, it also emerged being organised doesn’t necessarily result in a more relaxed build-up to a holiday with women most likely to feel concerned before a trip away.
A spokesman for Rescue Remedy, said: “It’s a common belief that men leave things until the last minute but it seems that really is the case.
“Being organised is often key when it comes to holidays – making sure you have packed everything you need and getting to the airport in plenty of time to make your flight.
“But the results show that despite being more organised, women are generally the ones who feel most worried about their holiday – so perhaps men have it right after all.”
The poll found 65 per cent of women claim to be super-organised and always ready for things ahead of time, compared to just 55 per cent of men.
Instead, three in ten guys admit they don’t really prepare for things too far in advance and just tend to leave it until the last minute.
But the last-minute rush when packing for a holiday has led to three quarters of men forgetting something important.
And more than half of men find the packing process stressful compared to just 31 per cent of women.
When it comes to getting to the airport, eight in ten women worry about making sure they leave enough time to get there, while less than two thirds of men say the same.
And 47 per cent of women start to worry if they are running slightly late before a flight – something which bothers just 35 per cent of men.
But even if they get there with plenty of time to spare, three quarters of women still feel worried and disorganised about everything going to plan compared to just 35 per cent of blokes.
It’s not just holidays where women are more organised though, with the average man getting ready for a night out just 44 minutes before they are due to leave, while women allow more than an hour.
And while women start their Christmas shopping 38 days before the 25th December, men wait until just 29 days before the big day, with one in ten admitting they don’t start until a week or less beforehand.
Neil Shah from The Stress Management Society added: “When it comes to holiday preparation, one of the most important things is to be organised.
“Start by checking in online to save yourself time at the airport. You can even send your boarding passes to your smart device!
“If you need to take a moment to remove yourself and take a few deep breaths or write a list of things you still have to do, it will help realign your focus and enable you to think more carefully.”
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