– Puzzle here: [PUZZLE Embed code] Can you spot the summer dangers_
Summer is the perfect time to kick back and relax – unless you have kids who can easily wander into danger.
The latest brainsteaser to hit the web shows a cute holiday scene which has a serious message behind the playful tots splashing around in the water.
There are 10 dangers they may be facing, some of which are slightly more realistic than others – but all worth keeping an eye on just in case.
Can you spot the so-called dangers and keep the kids safe?
The puzzle was created by ChannelMum.com, whose founder Siobhan Freegard said: “Summer holidays are brilliant for having fun with kids. But letting your hair down shouldn’t mean letting your guard down.
“The temptation is to let them get on with it at the beach or pool, but It’s vital to stay alert so the whole family stays safe.”
For information on what to do in an emergency, go to https://www.channelmum.com/c/first-aid-course
The 10 dangers to spot (and the text) are below:
1. Jellyfish in front pool – “Watch out for the jellyfish!”
2. Crack in the green slide – “When was the last time this slide was inspected?”
3. Drunk lifeguard in front pool – “Is this lifeguard on duty?”
4. Sunburnt boy in bottom right – “This boy has forgotten his sun cream”
5. Children running in-between pools next to no running sign – “No running!”
6. Children jumping in pool next to no diving sign – “No diving!”
7. Swarm of bees coming from bin – “A swarm of bees!”
8. Children swimming next to jet ski – “That jet ski is too close to the children swimming in the water!”
9. Shark fin in the sea – “Is that a shark or a dolphin?”
10. Large wave in top left corner – “Get out of the way of this giant wave!”
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