Six in 10 parents find it difficult to keep everyone happy when it comes to booking a holiday – because everyone wants different things.
Research among 3,000 parents, children and grandparents revealed the kids just want to splash in the pool all day, while parents long for a bit of culture.
And grandparents will not accept anything less than a clean hotel, good food and tidy beaches.
However, they and their children do agree somewhere that takes Covid-19 measures seriously was also a top priority.
For six in 10 parents, finding a holiday location that everyone is happy with can be tricky, with 61 per cent finding the experience of deciding where to go difficult, frustrating and even painful.
And 55 per cent find booking a trip an all-round stressful experience as they try to meet everyone’s needs.
Issam Kazim, CEO of Dubai Tourism, which commissioned the research, said: “After an unprecedented year where it became difficult for families to spend quality time together, family holidays across the generations are more important than ever.
“Seeing the tricky decisions many face and the compromise they may make to keep the majority happy, many would benefit from a trip somewhere that can cater to all their needs and budgets.”
It also emerged six in 10 parents shoulder the burden of booking the family trip on their own – even though 63 per cent invite their mums and dads along for some quality time away.
Having a swimming pool was top priority to children, followed by being near the beach and good weather.
More than a third of youngsters (36 per cent) also hope for a theme or water park to be nearby.
However, to their parents, nine in 10 would simply like a bit of rest and relaxation.
It was also revealed 56 per cent of grandparents want to have their say on destination, but are happy to let someone else make the final call.
And more than half of the older generation enjoy someone else sorting and booking their holiday for them according to the findings via OnePoll.
But six in 10 parents would like someone else to take the booking burden off their shoulders –organising it all for them instead.
The biggest priorities to those booking their family trip are cost, spending quality time with loved ones – and making memories to be treasured with family.
And while six in 10 usually rotate holiday locations based on their family preferences, 25 per cent stick to the same old locations in an attempt to keep everyone happy.
Issam Kazim, CEO of Dubai Tourism, added: “The findings of the research only solidify that Dubai is a truly fantastic place for a family holiday.
“From experiences for the kids, beautiful beaches and pools, numerous ways to relax for parents and grandparents, and incredible facilities – all underpinned by strict measures to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our residents and guests – this is somewhere for families to reunite and make lasting memories together.”
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