Former Lions captain Matt Dawson took on former Springboks’ flanker Francois Louw in the ultimate cultural test match – a traditional South African Braai versus a good old British BBQ.
The Braai versus BBQ challenge series included a round on rugby trivia – which Dawson won handily, drawing on his years of Question of Sport experience.
Although both faced hot-sauce-based forfeits courtesy of streaming service NOW, after getting questions wrong about each other’s careers
However, Louw got his own back when the blindfolds went on, being able to identify more mystery meats than his opponent.
Neither of the rugby stars were able to identify a savoury yet unusual dish – a skewer full of duck hearts.
Matt Dawson said: “I’m always keen to be tested on my cooking skills and this was certainly something new, going head-to-head with a flanker in this way.
“I think I held my own against Francois, and it was great to test ourselves on rugby trivia as well as the grills.”
Francois Louw added: “Being the Braai master is second nature to me and I reckon I brought the grill skills my friends and family would be proud of to the challenges.
“I am gutted I can’t be there to watch the test matches in my home country, but I will definitely be bringing the braai to the match events at home in the UK and cheering on the home team.”
The video series will see four episodes of Braai vs BBQ going live on NOW twitter [https://twitter.com/NOWSport] and Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/NOWtv/] channels daily from 21st – 24th July.
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