The best sounds in football include the roar when the players take to the pitch, the first whistle and funny chants.
A poll of 2,000 football fans who have travelled to games found 90 per cent believe a good atmosphere makes a football match more memorable.
The tense silence before a penalty kick, the national anthem performed at international games and the ping of the ball hitting the crossbar also featured in the top 20 best sounds.
Along with the familiar theme tune of the UEFA Champions League and drums and music being played around the stadium.
Other sounds football fans love include the ripple of applause from fans after a demonstration of skill, the sound of a turnstile clicking round, and even the shouting of street vendors outside the stadium.
Expedia Live, the destination for accessing expert travel advice on where to explore after the final whistle, commissioned the ‘Soundscape of being there’ study.
It has partnered with football legend and ex-Inter Milan and Manchester City midfielder, Patrick Vieira, to share the sounds that shaped his football career.
He said: “From my own experience travelling over the years across Europe, the sounds I heard on game day made my experiences truly unforgettable, no matter where I played.
“I loved the roar of the plane taking off for European nights as it signalled the start of the journey, and the buzz of the stadium crowd before kick-off really got the adrenalin pumping.
“Football has so many iconic sounds that create a unique atmosphere, which cannot be replicated anywhere else.
“When visiting a rival stadium and hearing our fans chanting with such passion was magical, that feeling stays with me.”
The research also found some fans take the sounds of football to the extreme with 22 per cent preferring the noise of a goal celebration over hearing someone

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