Red card! Millions of football fans are STILL sore about Diego Maradona’s infamous Hand of God knocking England out of the World Cup in 1986 – as 43 per cent say they will ‘never forgive him’.
A poll of 2,000 lovers of the game found the Argentine ace’s controversial goal topped a list of the most controversial World Cup moments that might have benefited from video replays for referees.
Other memorable moments fans believe would have benefited from VAR include Frank Lampard’s clearly over-the-line shot against Germany in 2010 that wasn’t given.
And in qualifying games, Thierry Henry’s blatant – yet unpunished – handball against Ireland in 2009 was chosen by 28 per cent.
Just under one in five (19 per cent), however, also suspect Geoff Hurst’s game-changing goal in the 1966 final, which England went on to win, might not have been given had VAR been around.
The research was commissioned by Samsung UK to showcase the 2022 range of Neo QLED TVs, featuring Quantum Dot technology.
VAR analyst and former professional referee Dermot Gallagher, working with Samsung, said: “As a proud Irish man, the most controversial decision for me has to be Thierry Henry’s handball in the World Cup qualifier against the Republic of Ireland in 2009.
“With VAR and decent tech in place, the foul would have been called, bringing the tied game to penalties.”

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