A giant Christmas light display has illuminated Bristol – and will share thousands of children’s homemade Christmas cards throughout December.
In a bid to bring some Christmas cheer, the festive drawings have been turned into a huge 14×21 metre light display featuring thousands of bulbs on the side of Cabot Circus car park in Bristol.
From reindeers and elves to sleigh bells and festive scenes, the installation, created by Vodafone, will show the cards every evening between 5pm and 9pm as budding young artists have their ‘moment in lights’.
Children from across the UK can share their homemade Christmas card designs by taking a picture on their phone and sharing on social media using #ConnectTheMagic.
This will then be recreated in a light display powered by 5G to raise money for Barnardo’s – with every eligible card submitted generating a £1 donation.
The installation will be live streamed so families everywhere can experience the magic, wherever they are in the UK.
The first card to be shown was created by Rory, aged five, and picked by children’s illustrator, Rob Biddulph, who is collaborating with Vodafone on the project.
Nick Jeffrey, CEO, Vodafone UK said: “Keeping everyone connected has been our number one focus this year, and we want to do everything we can to keep people connected to the magic of Christmas, as well as to each other.
“We will give children the opportunity to see their Christmas cards up in lights, as well as to share them electronically with their friends and family.
“We want as many children as possible to help us ‘Light Up’ Britain while raising vital funds for Barnardo’s.”
The display will be live until 31st December and families around the UK can stay up-to-date by following the online live stream every night between 5pm and 9pm.
Barnardo’s Chief Executive, Javed Khan, said: “This has been an extremely challenging year for everyone, and especially for the vulnerable children and young people Barnardo’s supports.
“Many children and families across the UK risk missing out on the joy of the festive season, so we’re pleased that Vodafone is bringing so much light to the nation.
“With their help, and yours, we can help raise vital funds to keep supporting vulnerable children through the COVID crisis and as long as they need us.”
To get involved, just ‘create, snap and share’ a card design using the hashtag #ConnectTheMagic on Vodafone UK’s Twitter, Instagram or Facebook channels.
Follow the live feed and find out more about how Vodafone is helping keep the UK connected this Christmas at https://www.vodafone.co.uk/mobile/coronavirus-advice#connectthemagic
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