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Taking ‘too long’ to pay someone back, bragging about your salary and not paying your ‘fair’ share of the bill are among the biggest financial faux pas, according to Brits.

Researchers who polled 2,000 adults identified the biggest blunders when it comes to money – such as boosting about how much you spend.

Other no-no’s include posting pics on social media to show how well off you are and asking someone else what they earn.

Commissioned by money-sharing app, Pingit, the research also found a sixth have committed a financial faux pas.

Further to this, around a fifth have fallen out with friends as a result of having an argument over money.

Darren Foulds, managing director of Pingit, said: “The research shows that talking about money can still be a taboo subject among friends – with people losing mates and dates because of it.

“What’s more, with three-quarters of Brits worrying about committing a financial faux pas, it’s obvious that people are calling out for guidance on discussing money in social situations.

“With apps like Pingit, offering simple and easy ways to split the bill, we can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying.”

Other frowned-upon acts include looking down on others for not buying ‘high quality’ items and asking how much someone paid for something.

While piggybacking on someone else’s music or TV subscription without permission – in order to save some money is also considered to be somewhat cheeky.

The research also found not only does money effect how we perceive one another – it also influences how we want to be viewed.

Forty-five per cent of us would rather overpay when paying their share of the bill rather than risk looking ‘cheap’.

And more than a quarter would be more willing to reveal their weight and 52 per cent more willing to state their age – than how much they earn.

Money also influences how we behave in the dating world – 15 per cent have rejected a second date because their potential love interest failed to pay or offer to pay during the first date.

In addition, one in 10 revealed they have left a date early – just to avoid paying the bill.

Three-quarters of the population revealed they worry about making a money etiquette blunder.

More than half of those who have committed one admit they felt guilty or embarrassed as a result of doing so.

When asked why, nearly a quarter said it was because they pride themselves on being polite.

As a result of the awkwardness which appears to go hand in hand with money, 11 per cent would like to have access to an etiquette guide.

Thirteen per cent wish there was some form of technology which could help avoid tensions around the money.

Further to this, the Pingit research carried out through OnePoll found eight per cent wish could call upon the services of a ‘money mediator’ to help resolve financial feuds.

Pingit has teamed up with etiquette and British manners expert, Jo Bryant, to help people avoid committing a financial faux pas.

She said: “Money can be a manners minefield.

“The best advice I can give is be as generous as you can, don’t show off and always be fair with friends and family when splitting bills for meals or holidays.

1. Taking too long to pay someone back
2. Not paying a ‘fair’ share of a bill
3. Bragging about my salary
4. Bragging about how much I spend
5. Asking someone else about their salary
6. Posting an image on social media to show off their wealth
7. Looking down on someone for not buying high quality items (e.g. clothes, electronics)
8. Piggybacking on someone else’s music or TV subscription without permission
9. Talking about how much I paid for an expensive item
10. Asking how much someone paid for something

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