Analysis of the 50 most viewed hacks tagged ‘energy saving’ found clips about bleeding radiators gained the most traction, followed by only boiling as much as you need in the kettle.
The third most viewed video on TikTok shows drying a bedsheet over a clothes airer by a radiator, while draught-proofing the house and using a slow cooker also feature in the top 10.
It comes after a poll of 2,000 homeowners and renters found 15 per cent are turning to social media platforms for advice on how to cut down on their energy bills.
But this rises to 32 per cent of Gen Z.
And 42 per cent of those who look to the likes of TikTok, Facebook or YouTube trust any hacks they view, even if they don’t come from experts or professionals.
Although 42 per cent of all respondents feel there is so much conflicting advice about energy use they are unable to separate fact from fiction.
Energy provider EDF commissioned the poll alongside its analysis of the top 50 trending pieces of energy saving video content across TikTok, Instagram and ChatGPT.

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