By Rob Knight

The average Brit spent a total of 40 hours sat on the sofa this Christmas, a survey found.

Research revealed the most common pastimes were nodding off after too much food, watching a Bond film for the umpteenth time, or bickering over a board game.

The incredible total adds up to around five hours every day.

It also emerged 40 per cent of us are less active than normal over the festive period – with 32 per cent feeling guilty about the lack of physical activity.

Two thirds revealed there are days during the Christmas period when they don’t leave the house at all.

Amid this, six in 10 confessed they tend to overdo it Christmas – by eating and drinking too much.

However it’s not all bad as 42 per cent went go for a walk on Boxing Day clocking up almost three miles in the process.

The research of 2,000 adults who celebrated Christmas was commissioned by walking charity, the Ramblers, ahead of its free annual Festival of Winter Walks which takes place until 7 January 2018.

Spokeswoman Sarah Marfleet said: “Winter is a wonderful time to get outdoors and enjoy your surroundings in the fresh air, but with all the competing demands of the festive season it can easily drop to the bottom of the list.

“Our Festival of Winter Walks offers an easy way to head out for a winter wander with friends and family and blow away the cobwebs, if you feel like you’ve spent a bit too long on the sofa.

“And if you’ve over indulged on turkey and mince pies, it’s a great way to help you kick start those New Year fitness resolutions too.”

The research also revealed we spent an average of two hours and four minutes sat at the dinner table on Christmas Day and typically spent 33 hour and 31 minutes watching television.

On a typical day, 56 per cent said they walk the recommended 10,000 steps – but this fell to 20 per cent over Christmas.

However, heading out for a Christmas walk is still a key part of festive tradition for 62 per cent of us.

Carried out through OnePoll.com, the research also found 35 per cent typically endure days over the festive period when they don’t see anyone at all.

And worse still, 48 per cent spent Christmas Day completely alone.

In fact, 22 per cent said they felt lonelier at Christmas than at any other time of the year.

Sarah Marfleet added: “We know people do still love the traditional Boxing Day walk – it’s encouraging to see that getting out for a long walk over the festive period is a key part of Christmas traditions.

“A foray out into the cold, fresh air is not only the perfect winter mood enhancer, but walking with a group is also a lovely way to socialise and meet like-minded people, particularly for those who might be alone during the holidays .

“With walks to suit everyone – from short, sociable strolls, to more strenuous stretches – what starts out as a one-off Christmas or New Year walk could lead to life-long friendships and a serious walking habit.”

To find out more about the Festival of Winter Walks – which is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery – and to sign up for the Ramblers free online walk tracker, visit: www.ramblers.org.uk/winterfestival

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