By SWNS Staff
Americans have met an average of 10 new people online during their time in self-isolation, according to new research.
The survey asked 2,000 Americans about their digital communication habits while they’ve been sheltering in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Forty-four percent of respondents shared they’ve webcammed with a stranger for the first time during COVID-19.
And of those surveyed who have visited a webcamming site, 45% do so for just that reason – just to meet new people.
Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Jasmin, the survey also found that 73% of respondents shared they crave emotional intimacy more than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Another 67% of those surveyed shared they’ve struggled to socialize and communicate during their time in self-isolation.
Nearly three-quarters of respondents also shared they’ve felt increased feelings of loneliness and anxiety.
Common ways respondents are combatting their feelings of loneliness during lockdown included cleaning their homes, cooking and baking, meditating and binge-watching a TV show.
Three in 10 respondents are also video calling friends and family and another 36% are texting and 34% are picking up the phone to call.
But of all modes of digital communication, 61% of respondents also shared that they prefer video calls because they’re more intimate.
Video calls can get dicey, however, as respondents shared they’ve experienced their fair share of embarrassing moments.
One in five respondents shared they’ve had someone walk in the background of a video call naked.
Another 15% of those surveyed have either been caught talking to their pets or yelling at their children while on a video call.
Eleven percent of respondents have even been caught day drinking and 18% of respondents shared they’ve been caught on a video call not wearing pants.
Other ways respondents are trying to stay positive during lockdown included cleaning their homes, cooking and baking, meditating and binge-watching a TV show.
[Jasmin quote about the importance of staying positive and finding solutions that work for you]
Twenty-two percent of those surveyed said they’re also connecting with people on social media to feel less lonely.
Another two in 10 respondents said they’ve visited or watched a live streaming site to boost their moods.
[Jasmin quote about utilizing the internet to meet new people and friends, especially during times of stress]
- Talked for a while before realizing I was on mute 31%
- Forgot to mute myself and said something embarrassing 29%
- Had someone enter the room and interrupt the video call 27%
- Forgot my camera was still on when I went to the bathroom 22%
- Had someone walk in the background nude 20%
- Wasn’t wearing pants and didn’t realize everyone could see 18%
- Had someone do something embarrassing in the background 18%
- Forgot to mute myself before taking a screenshot of the call 16%
- Got caught talking to my pets 15%
- Yelled at my children without muting myself 15%
- Forgot to change the background image 13%
- Got caught day drinking 11%
- Fell asleep 9%
- Exercise 51%
- Watch movies 41%
- Text friends/family 36%
- Call friends/family over the phone 34%
- Clean my home 34%
- Cook/bake 34%
- Meditate 32%
- Binge-watch a TV show 31%
- Video call friends/family 30%
- Have sex 28%
- Read 28%
- Learn a new skill 28%
- Reorganize my home 25%
- Masturbate 23%
- Connect with people through social media 22%
- Have an alcoholic beverage 21%
- Watch online webcamming/live streaming sites 21%
- Utilize online webcamming/live streaming sites to meet people 18%
- Attend a virtual event 16%
- Host a live streaming event 11%