Snoop Dogg is starring in a hilarious new ad – where he hangs out with a sea turtle.

The commercial for SodaStream shows the 49-year-old enjoying life’s ‘small things’ – including a festive meal with his dog, daughter and son – all of whom resemble the Doggfather himself.

The Hip Hop star, real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr, also enjoys a spot of baking before enjoying a drink of fizzy water with his aquatic friend.

Launched today (18 November), the advert [] hopes to inspire the nation to celebrate the small but meaningful things this Christmas – and to raise awareness of how the tiniest of changes can help the planet.

SodaStream also carried out research of 2,000 adults which found eight in 10 believe everyone can make a positive difference to the environment by making small tweaks to their lifestyle.

A spokesperson for SodaStream said: “We hope viewers will find our new advert funny but there is a serious message behind it.

“This year we really went all in to deliver a campaign everyone can relate to, a campaign on what’s important.

“SodaStream is one small change people can make to reduce single-use plastic waste, and Snoop Dogg is a great partner to help widely spread this message in a fun way.

“No matter how small, we can all make a difference when it comes to helping the environment.

“And as the results show this is a view shared by most people – and it really is inspiring to see all the different ways the nation is doing their bit.”

The Drop It Like It’s Hot rapper added: “I love my SodaStream so it was natural for me to partner up with them for this campaign.

“They make a great product and a big difference in the world – I am happy to help spread the love!”

Brits have also revealed the ‘little’ ways they’re helping the local community and the planet – including turning off the tap when brushing their teeth, donating to food banks and insulating their homes.

Using reusable water bottles, reducing meat intake and car sharing are also ways people are playing their part.

Other little adjustments adopted in recent months include putting out food for birds and animals, using energy efficient bulbs in the home and growing their own fruit and veg.

It also emerged that eight in 10 believe the UK population ‘generally’ has become more receptive to making small changes for the good of the planet.

During the past three years alone, the average adult has made five changes to their lifestyle in a bid to be greener – and around a third said they’ve made more changes this year than ever before.

This hasn’t proved to be too much of a burden either as 58 per cent said they found these adjustments ‘easy’ to get used to.

More than three quarters have cut down on their use of single-use plastics in the last 12 months – with carrier bags, water bottles and straws the top three items they’ve used less of.

And typically those polled will walk, cycle or use an alternative, greener mode of transportation eight times a month to get to places they would have previously driven to.

Other small changes include avoiding products containing palm oil, buying an electric or hybrid vehicle and boycotting products which have an unnecessary amount of packaging.

Helping others has also been a common theme when it comes to doing their bit for the good of the world – including doing elderly relatives’ food shopping and raising money for local causes.

It also emerged that 43 per cent have been encouraged to change as a result of documentaries on TV, while 40 per cent have felt compelled to rethink their lifestyle as a result of news reports.

But 17 per cent have been motivated by their children and 24 per cent took inspiration from their partner.

The SodaStream study carried out through OnePoll also found 74 per cent are keen to stick to their environmentally friendly ways over the festive period, by minimising food waste, sending fewer Christmas cards and shunning wrapping paper with glitter on.

A spokesperson for SodaStream added: “With all the excitement of Christmas it’s so easy to turn a blind eye to being green.

“But clearly people are increasingly aware of this and are trying to do something about it.

“If everyone did just a few small things this festive period, the difference it will make to the planet could be massive.”

1. Using reusable carrier bags
2. Taking their own bags to the shops
3. Turning off the tap when brushing teeth
4. Washing out plastic packaging before recycling it e.g. yoghurt pots
5. Turning off TVs/laptops/computers when they’re not being used
6. Reducing the amount of food wasted
7. Changing household lights to energy efficient bulbs
8. Using a reusable water bottle
9. Choosing to walk or cycle somewhere instead of drive
10. Turning off phone chargers when they’re not being used
11. Buying fewer single use plastics e.g. a water bottle
12. Putting out food for birds/animals
13. Picking up litter and putting it in the correct bin
14. Cutting back on meat consumption
15. Growing their own fruit and veg
16. Donating to food banks
17. Getting their homes insulated
18. Using reusable coffee cups
19. Buying fewer products containing palm oil
20. Actively seeking out shop items which didn’t have packaging
21. Doing elderly relative’s food shopping
22. Car sharing
23. Raising money for local causes
24. Checking in on an elderly family members
25. Cutting back on dairy consumption
26. Buying reusable cotton pads
27. Taking part in a local litter pick
28. Switching to a purely plant-based diet
29. Installing solar panels
30. Buying an electric or hybrid vehicle

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