A study of 2,000 adults revealed they typically consume 740ml a day of H20 – less than half the recommended daily amount of two litres of fluid.
Instead, 24 per cent stay hydrated using tea, while 20 per cent would rather sip on a cup of coffee.
But almost two thirds (64 per cent) are aware they should drink more water than they currently do each day, with 49 per cent claiming they often forget.
The research found four in 10 weren’t sure how much they drink in a typical day.
It also emerged that residents of Liverpool drink the least water, followed by Manchester and Leeds.
The research was commissioned by Volvic Touch of Fruit and found 24 per cent are just too busy to fit regular sips into their schedule.
Gemma Morgan, a spokesperson from Volvic, said: “We’re seeing a nation struggling to stay hydrated despite knowing how crucial it is to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.”
Sophie Habboo
Hydration is key
The research also found for 60 per cent, hydration is important to more than their physical health, as they agree they feel happier and healthier when they’ve drank enough.
In order to spot dehydration, 44 per cent recognise the dark colour of their urine as a tell-tale sign that they need to drink more.
This is followed by a dry mouth, headaches, and dry lips as the key signs that another glass of water might be in order.
For the new year, 28 per cent of adults have vowed to stay more hydrated in 2023, and 27 per cent are eager to cut back on the number of sugary drinks they consume.
Flavoured water is a favourite for 22 per cent, and 41 per cent have tried flavouring their own beverages as a way to convince themselves to drink more.
Those polled are more inclined to lean towards fresh and

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