The average sofa will witness 1,236 arguments, have 2,728 drink and food spillages on it – and see blokes sleeping on it after getting kicked out of bed 191 times, a study has found.
Over the course of the average 11-year life of a sofa, it will also see couples kiss 2,105 times, families sit down to watch 3,135 films and 2,299 hours – almost 96 days – of phone conversations.
It will also be home to people watching a total of 6,509 hours – 271 days-worth – of TV along with around 1,430 hours, or almost two months, of computer games being played.
It also emerged that despite all the action seen by the average sofa, 14 per cent of people admit they have NEVER cleaned it, with another 17 per cent saying it has been at least a year.
Malcom Walker, Director of Product at Furniture Village, which commissioned the research said: “A sofa is one of the most used and best-loved pieces of furniture in our home.
“Far from just being a place to sit, it can be the scene of many pivotal moments in family life – whether it’s arguments and the subsequent making up or a power nap after a long day.
“And for many, being able to collapse into your spot on the sofa at the end of the day can be a highlight.
“But the sheer amount of time that we spend sat on a sofa, along with the number of activities we do while lounging on it can mean it needs to stand up to a lot of wear and tear – particularly if you have children.”
The poll of 2,000 adults, carried out by OnePoll.com found the average sofa will be home to people reading books for 2,728 hours – the equivalent of more than 16 weeks over the 11 years.
More than 1,390 hours – comparable to 174 eight-hour working days – will be spent catching up on work or emails while sat on the sofa with a further 2,414 hours spent napping.
A sofa will also be the scene of 1,985 cuddles between couples, as well as 1,007 date nights and 2,631 phone calls.
But people will fall asleep in front of the TV four times a week while 2,099 episodes of soap will be watched from the comfort of the sofa.
Children will also jump up and down on a sofa twice a week – a total of 1,338 times over the 11 years.
A toy will be lost behind the cushions one a month, while a hunt for the remote control will take place 421 times over the lifetime of a sofa.
Researchers also found an average of almost 16 hours a week will be spent sat on the sofa with three quarters of people using it as a seat to tuck into a meal.
But 47 per cent say this has led to stains and spillages, with more than one in twenty even admitting to getting food on other people’s sofas.
Almost one in five have even spilt something such as nail varnish or oil on their sofa, and more than half let their pets onto the chair.
It’s not all bad though as 46 per cent have found money down the side of the settee, and 49 per cent have found items such as jewellery or lost pens.
Malcom Walker, Director of Product at Furniture Village, which commissioned the research said:
“At Furniture Village we have over a hundred quality sofas to choose from, in a choice of sizes, colours leathers and fabrics, so whatever your taste and budget, you’re sure to find something you’ll love.
From compact models – ideal for small spaces to modular corner sofas that will easily accommodate the whole family we’re committed to bringing you inspiring designs that are manufactured to the highest quality.
We know that a sofa is a big purchase that will need play a part in your life for years to come, so our expert teams are on hand – both in store and online – to help you find the perfect model.”
To read more on the curious life of a sofa, click here: http://www.furniturevillage.co.uk/the-home-of-inspiration/living/life-of-a-sofa/2cfdcc07-4c18-4baa-8979-e032008b088a.html
The average sofa will see:
6,509 hours spent watching TV or films
1,430 hours spent playing computer games
1,842 hours spend cuddling
2,728 hours of reading
2,414 hours sleeping or napping
1,390 hours of work
2,299 hours of phone conversations
2,631 phone calls
1,985 cuddles
1,236 arguments
1,007 date nights
2,728 spillages
1,338 children jumping up and down
2,391 times when people will fall asleep in front of the TV
2,099 episodes of a soap opera
2,105 kisses
3,135 films watched
168 lost toys
421 times when the remote control will be lost
191 times people sleep on the sofa after being kicked out of bed
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