By Gemma Francis
Brits are most likely to turn to pizza, bacon sandwiches – and eggs and soldiers when they are in need of comfort, a study has found.
A poll of 2,000 adults found almost eight in ten turn to their favourite meals when they need a little pick me up, with a simple and convenient pizza the top choice.
The British classic of fish and chips came second followed by a bacon sandwich, a full English and burger and chips.
Roast dinners, scrambled eggs on toast and pasta are also popular dishes to turn to in times of worry or stress.
It also emerged 44 per cent reckon they feel more anxious now than they did five years ago, with 29 per cent admitting they are now more likely to turn to comfort food than they were in the past.
Adrian Gott, Managing Director of Clarence Court says, “Today we’re more focussed than ever on health and wellbeing, but that doesn’t mean we don’t crave a comforting meal reminiscent of our childhood.
“Eggs provide the perfect solution, as they’re both high in protein but also easy to prepare– with dippy eggs and soldiers a national favourite.”
The study also found the average adult turns to comfort food twice a week, with ‘stress’ the most common reason.
Feeling down came second while cold or wet weather, worries and anxiety and tiredness also sees people tucking into their favourite comfort food.
But while a staggering 94 per cent want something simple when seeking comfort from a meal, more than two thirds choose something which reminds them of their childhood.
The research, carried out on OnePoll.com also found a traditional cup of tea is still the most popular thing to turn to when you are feeling stressed, followed by listening to your favourite music and home cooked food.
Nostalgic TV, a favourite book or cooking and baking also help people to unwind.
But four in ten admit they typically find comfort and reassurance when making a trip home to see their family, with 44 per cent saying they visit loved ones at least once a week.
Around one in six also said they now visit home more often than they did in the past as they look for comfort more than ever before.
And while 46 per cent said simply catching up with their family was the best thing about visiting home, 14 per cent admit they most look forward to a home-cooked meal from their mum.
Psychotherapist, Christine Webber explains: “Simple meals which transport us back to childhood can really cheer us up, and help remind us of less complicated times.
“We are leading increasingly stressful lives, so it’s vital for us to access some comfort when we need it – and what better way to find it than by cooking and eating something simple that Mum used to make. For me, scrambled eggs on buttery toast invariably do the trick!”
Top 20 meals to turn to for comfort
1. Pizza
2. Fish and chips
3. Bacon sandwich
4. Full English breakfast
5. Burger & chips
6. Roast dinner
7. Beans on toast
8. Bangers and mash
9. Pasta dish
10. Scrambled eggs on toast
11. Macaroni and cheese
12. Shephard’s/Cottage pie
13. Beef stew and dumplings
14. Dippy eggs and soldiers
15. Jacket potato
16. Ham egg and chips
17. Toad in the hole
18. Egg mayonnaise sandwich
19. Poached egg and avocado on toast
20. Curry
Top ten reasons for turning to comfort food:
1. Feeling stressed
2. Feeling sad or down
3. When the weather is cold or rainy
4. Feeling worried or anxious
5. Tiredness
6. Illness
7. After a bad day at work
8. Money worries
9. When I’m feeling nostalgic
10. After an argument with my partner
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