– By Emma Elsworthy
It takes exactly 15 minutes to get the measure of someone on a first date, according to a study.
Within the first quarter of an hour, if you laugh too loudly, are overly-complementary or turn up with a poem to hand, you can forget about having a second date.
Researchers have identified the top 50 ways daters are weighing up the success of a first encounter on a real date – and it shows weird mannerisms such as blinking a lot or jiggling legs, over-familiar banter and being too touch-feely all quash the chances of rendezvous number two.
But the study found two thirds of daters think people have lost the art of conversation due to the rise of dating apps, which means face to face dating has become more difficult than ever.
As such, more than half of those polled find themselves struggling to engage in relaxed dialogue when meeting someone for the first time.
Gaston Tourn, CMO of Badoo, which carried out the study via OnePoll.com said: “Despite us living in a digital age a real life one on one date is always going to be the best way to see if the spark is there.
“The clock is on for those first 15 minutes for people to show off their true personalities.
“Our biggest aim is to get people offline and meeting face-to-face, so we’re actually launching Badoo Live, a live streaming feature this summer, to encourage real life interactions and more genuine connections. We don’t just care about swiping or matches – we care about real life dates – the rest is up to you!”
The study found talking about body size or image, using cheesy chat up lines, and talking about soap operas like they’re real life will all ruin any prospect of a second date.
Those who are obsessed with social media, constantly check their phone throughout the date and who act loud and obnoxiously can also expect not to hear back from a potential suitor ever again.
The survey also uncovered a list of the things singletons should never talk about on the first date – as well as the ex, 59 per cent of adults say you should never talk about sexual past, while 39 per cent say discussions shouldn’t touch upon starting a family.
The art of conversation really is a minefield though as three in 10 adults believe you shouldn’t talk about money, a quarter don’t like to hear about politics, and 34 per cent say never talk about major life plans.
It also emerged a two hour date, which involves a face to face meeting over dinner and drinks is the best way to get to know someone properly.
Walking in the countryside, travelling to see something and attending a music festival are just some of the other ways daters feel a potential love interest could get to know them better.
Gaston Tourn added: “Dating can be a minefield but it’s also meant to be fun, and that’s what comes from those face to face moments when you get to know someone’s quirks.
“It’s common sense that good manners go a long way – nobody wants to think a phone is more important than getting to know them; be polite, be engaging, and enjoy yourself.”
1. Bad breath
2. Being loud and obnoxious
3. Banging on about an ex-partner
4. Profusely sweating
5. Constantly checking their phone
6. They talk politics all evening
7. Chewing gum loudly
8. Social-media obsessed
9. Vaping indoors/at the table
10. They spend the date blowing their own trumpet
11. Texting or taking a call on the date
12. Being a bit too touchy-feely
13. Failing to ask the other person about themselves
14. They leave you on your own to go for a cigarette
15. Crying
16. Having a psycho ex
17. They conveniently forget their wallet
18. Talking about mummy or daddy
19. Talking too much so you can’t get a word in edgeways
20. Snorting when they laugh
21. Eating with their mouth full
22. Over-familiar banter
23. The use of cheesy chat up lines
24. Not at least offering or making an attempt to pay the bill
25. Talking about soap operas like they’re real life
26. Admitting they have a high / low sex drive
27. Turning up with a poem in hand
28. Weird mannerisms such as blinking too much or a jiggling leg
29. A terrible first kiss
30. Being too keen too quickly
31. They drink several alcoholic beverages in the first hour
32. Boasting about their job
33. They’re wearing a bizarre choice of clothing
34. Not offering to go halves on the bill
35. They agree with everything you say
36. Having a yin-yang tattoo
37. They’re either way to tall or short for you
38. They constantly clear their throat
39. Talking about body image or size
40. Laughing too loudly at jokes
41. They make loads of trips to the toilet
42. Being overly complementary
43. They use a toothpick
44. Admitting they like reality TV
45. They have a weird laugh
46. Being a veggie/vegan
47. Opening up too much
48. Bad shoes
49. Admitting they still live at home
50. Suggesting seeing a boring rom-com at the cinema