The British Red Cross, British Heart Foundation and St John Ambulance are urging parents across the UK to support a campaign to get first aid taught in all secondary schools in England.

Every Child a Lifesaver, backed by Labour MP Teresa Pearce, offers a one-off opportunity to equip a new generation of first-aiders with the skills they need to make a difference. The charities are calling for people to email their MPs to back the Emergency First Aid Education Bill.

17-year-old Robyn Cook saved the life of her best friend Meghan after she choked on a strawberry at school. Her father Xavier is calling for all parents to back the campaign to get first aid taught in schools.

We’ve got this one chance to push this through, to give every child the chance to become a lifesaver. It’s an absolute must that everyone gets in touch with their MP to push this forward. The more people who are trained in first aid, the better.”

Currently less than one in ten people in the UK have the skills to save a life. The proposed Bill would ensure every child in state-funded secondary schools in England would receive first aid training. Leaders from St John Ambulance, British Red Cross and British Heart Foundation are asking parents to write to their local MPs to ensure they support the Bill on 20 November.

Sue Killen, CEO at St John Ambulance, said:

‘Nothing is more important to us than young people learning the skills to save a life. We urge everyone to go to so MPs see that this campaign has backing in every community. Without your support, we can’t make this happen; but with your support, we could achieve something brilliant: Every Child a Lifesaver.’

Mike Adamson, Chief Executive at the British Red Cross said:

‘We have a one-off chance to equip a new generation of first aiders with the skills they need to make difference. Mums, dads, teachers and the public can play a vital part in this by urging their local MPs to support this vote and help us to provide young people with a life-saving legacy.’

Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive at the British Heart Foundation, said:

‘The survival rate for out of hospital cardiac arrests in the UK is shockingly low compared to other countries where CPR is widely taught. Our MPs and Government now have the opportunity to take responsibility for addressing this needless loss of life. By supporting this Bill they can make life saving skills a mandatory part of every young person’s education and help save more lives.’

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Prepared by : Sharon Steed
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