Brits are using more than twice as much water than they realise when showering, flushing the toilet and running the tap, according to research.
A study of 3,000 adults found the average person estimates they use 57 litres a day, when in reality, it’s 144 litres – equivalent to more than four large wheelie bins worth of water a week.
People shower for an average of around eight minutes a day, which uses up to a staggering 96 litres of water.
Four in ten respondents run their dishwasher when it is not fully loaded, rising to six in ten Londoners (61 per cent).
More than half admit to leaving the tap on while brushing their teeth – with a running tap – using six litres on average every minute.
And 54 per cent suspect they waste water in their homes without realising it, with bathrooms, kitchens and gardens accounting for the most water usage.
Further research from B&Q and Screwfix owner Kingfisher, in partnership with economics consultancy Cebr, has found that by 2030, seven regions out of a total of 17 in England are set to be severely water stressed – meaning there may not be enough water to meet local demand.
The West Midlands, London, parts of the South West, the East Midlands, the East of England, and the South East are all regions expected to be severely impacted.
Regions in the South of England are expected to be the worst affected, while the North West, the North East and Yorkshire & the Humber will be less vulnerable.
By 2040, the number of seriously water stressed regions is on course to rise to 12.
The year 2040 is when the Environment Agency has warned that England risks running short of water.

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