– By Gemma Francis
Hearing a child’s first word has been voted the most magical moment in life – ahead of when they were born, a study has found.
A poll of 2,000 adults found the heart-warming family memory also beat getting married.
But having a baby is only the third most magical moment in life, chosen by 46 per cent of British men and women.
Falling in love for the first time, getting your first pay packet and hearing your baby’s first cry also feature in the top 20.
The study which was conducted by high street hearing specialist Hidden Hearing also revealed other top life milestones including getting your first job, hearing someone you love say ‘I love you too’ and buying your first home.
Jennie Bond, Royal Correspondent and Ambassador for the Campaign for Better Hearing said: “There are so many magic moments in life where your hearing plays a vital role.
“For example, my daughter Emma’s first little cry when she was born or hearing Brian May twang out the National Anthem from the roof of Buckingham Palace for the Golden Jubilee.”
While many women’s most magical moment in life is having a baby, this was overtaken for men with getting married, buying your first home and passing your driving test.
Almost one in five men even named their football team winning a major trophy as a top moment, ahead of hearing a ‘yes’ when they proposed to their partner.
Interestingly, the study, carried out via OnePoll.com, found eight in 10 Brits believe hearing is one of the key senses necessary to enjoy life’s most precious moments.
But more than a quarter of those aged 45 and over are currently putting up with, or have previously put up with, a hearing issue.
One respondent admitted they couldn’t hear their daughter recite her wedding vows because of their hearing problems.
Another missed a vital phone call due to not hearing the ringtone and lost an opportunity to purchase a dream house.
Hidden Hearing is supporting ‘The Campaign for Better Hearing’ to get everyone, especially those over the age of 55 in the UK, to have a regular hearing test to help stay on top of their health and ensure they enjoy life’s most magic moments.
As part of the campaign, Hidden Hearing is offering up to five free pairs of hearing aids each month, one for every 1,000 free hearing tests they carry out to people who otherwise couldn’t afford them.
Jennie Bond added: “One of the highlights this year is going to be the wedding of Harry and Meghan at Windsor Castle.
“The crowds will be enormous, I’m really looking forward to it as I’ll be able to hear what everyone is saying, thanks to my hearing aid.”
Top 20 most magical moments in life (men and women)
1. Hearing your child’s first word
2. Getting married
3. Having a baby
4. Buying your first home
5. Passing your driving test
6. Falling in love for the first time
7. Hearing someone you love saying ‘I love you back’
8. Your first kiss
9. Getting your first pay packet
10. Hearing your baby’s first cry
11. Hearing your child say ‘I love you’ for the first time
12. Buying your first car
13. Finding out you’re pregnant/going to have a baby
14. Getting your first job
15. Seeing your favourite band live
16. Being proposed to
17. Graduating from university
18. Your first holiday without your parents
19. Getting your GCSE/A Level results
20. Hearing your child say ‘I do’ when they get married
Top 20 most magical moments in life (women)
1. Having a baby
2. Hearing your child’s first word
3. Getting married
4. Buying your first home
5. Passing your driving test
6. Falling in love for the first time
7. Hearing someone you love saying ‘I love you back’
8. Finding out you’re pregnant/going to have a baby
9. Hearing your baby’s first cry
10. Hearing your child say ‘I love you’ for the first time
11. Getting your first pay packet
12. Being proposed to
13. Seeing your favourite band live
14. Your first kiss
15. Buying your first car
16. Graduating from university
17. Getting your first job
18. Your first holiday without your parents
19. Hearing your child say ‘I do’ when they get married
20. Getting your GCSE/A Level results
Top 20 most magical moments in life (men)
1. Getting married
2. Hearing your child’s first word
3. Your first kiss
4. Passing your driving test
5. Buying your first home
6. Having a baby
7. Falling in love for the first time
8. Hearing someone you love saying ‘I love you back’
9. Getting your first pay packet
10. Buying your first car
11. Getting your first job
12. Hearing your baby’s first cry
13. Your favourite football team winning a major trophy
14. Hearing your partner say they are pregnant
15. Seeing your favourite band live
16. Hearing your partner say yes to your proposal
17. Hearing your child say ‘I love you’ for the first time
18. Your first holiday without your parents
19. Graduating from university
20. Getting your GCSE/ A Level results